I went all the way to Fiji and all I got was crabs!

I’m BAAAaaaaaack! Got back in Saturday but between being exhausted, busy, and finding out at work on Tuesday that I was expected in Indiana on Wednesday, haven’t had a chance to drop back in here till now.

So yeah, I had an awesome wedding and an absolutely amazing honeymoon at a secluded resort in Fiji!

Here’s the resort. It’s about 15 huts on the beach of an outlying island.
Our hut:
Kava ceremony:

Hopefully those links work. I just started using kodakgallery so hopefully I don’t suck at it. I might post more pics later, I just don’t have time to pick out the interesting ones from the eleventy-billion I took…

My wedding photographer >*.

Some of our poses are so weird… I love it!
When I went up her dress to get the garter I came out with a big ass pair of blue underwear I had hidden up my sleeve. :biglol:

OK more pics later. Got work to do. It’s good to be home!

Fix your pix links, Jim… You suck at it…

Otherwise, nice!!

nice pics!

congratulation, Jim!

hahahah great idea with the underwear!

Fixed I think. Apparently kodak gallery > me. :gotme:

lol @ blue undies… your wife looks THRILLED to see that :wink:

lol, look on her face is PRICELESS

awww… :tup:

whys the baby cuff on your pinky finger?

Make it a public gallery, we’ll pick out the cool ones for yah :tspry:

LOL she looks pissed in the last pic!

:lol: The underwear trick took balls man. :tup:

Looks like a perfect spot for a honeymoon.

How was Fiji? Im looking for honeymoon ideas for Sept.

looks like a blast…congrats!!!


lol @ blue undies… your wife looks THRILLED to see that :wink:



i have gotten that look before… pretty much every time i open my mouth my gf looks at me like that.

congrats, and you’re pics look great :tup:


i climbed up that thing recently… true story…

btw. congrats… nice pics too

ughhh, that water looks awesome. im insanely jealous.

Congrats on the Wedding


whys the baby cuff on your pinky finger?



The Engineer’s Ring in the United States is a stainless steel ring, worn on the fifth finger of the working hand by engineers who have accepted the Obligation of an Engineer in a Ring Ceremony.

The pic of the wifey was taken right before she burst out laughing. :tup:



The pic of the wifey was taken right before she burst out laughing. :tup:



at first i was :gay:

then, more like :tspry:

haha, hope your last time getting pussy was good.
Now you’re stuck with vagina.