I went all the way to Fiji and all I got was crabs!


Why do you want to see me naked? Fag.



you have an absolutely, breath-taking hiney. i mean that thing is good. i wanna be friends with it.

Thanks for noticing. :tup: :wink:

Welcome back buddy. :tup: Looks like a hell of a time there!

I think id run out of things to do.

how many days ?

I want to go to Fiji real bad.

what did this cost around, you can pm me if you dont feel like posting that kind of info


I think id run out of things to do.

how many days ?


I was there for 11 days. I was never even slightly bored. I’m type A at work, but I have no problem turning it off. I read 4 1/2 books, took naps, thought about stuff, solved the problems of the world, thought about nothing.

The one thing I forgot about is how much light pollution there is in a place like western NY. I’ve never seen stars like I saw there. My fiance, er, wife, thought that there was a faint cloud in the night sky. It took a while for her to believe me that it was just so many stars that it formed a white haze in the sky. I’m pretty sure it was the faint glow of the milky way, but some astronomy buffs can correct me if I’m mistaken. I never did find the southern cross. I’ve seen it before, but the woman hadn’t. I wanted to show it to her. :tdown:

But yeah, if you’re not the type that can enjoy himself just decompressing then you probably would have been bored out of your mind. I personally like nothing better than to be away from everything and just ponder the mysteries of the universe.

93dxhatch you’ve got a PM. You can do Fiji a lot cheaper than we did. We sucked it up and flew cattle class to get there, saving a few thou that way. But once we were there we lived like royalty. I certainly wasn’t bored when I was getting a massage for over an hour from a fijian girl in the resort’s spa on the beach. Fijian girl oiling you up and rubbing you down, waves crashing, nothing to do tomorrow, or the next day, or the next week. Fucking amazing. Granted the girl was manlier than I am, but she had magic hands. :tup:



The pic of the wifey was taken right before she burst out laughing.


Congrats on the wedding :tup:

You actually wear the engineer ring ? I haven’t worn it since the day I got it.

wow looked like an awesome trip dude!! of course congrats on the marriage :slight_smile:


Jim, you look like a young Tim Robbins… Bull Durham Tim Robbins…


lol I just caught that. I’ve never gotten that one before. Maybe…



Congrats on the wedding :tup:

You actually wear the engineer ring ? I haven’t worn it since the day I got it.


lol yeah I wear it. People either don’t know what it is or think I’m Canadian.

Damn James, looks amazing!

iv always wanted to go there

aweeeesome place to go. congrats! and nice pics. :tup: :tup: