I wish Sabres games were this cheap.

Holy hell thats cheap as hell for three games, a pratice jersey, hot dogs pop.

for realz. i probably won’t get to a game till the end of the season.

i know the sabres just have some of the cheapest tickets in the NHL

wow 4 games and food and a jersey for 119!

The things some teams have to do to sell tickets.

The sabres could probably increase their price 20% and still be selling out.

and the ducks have 42 points so its not like there doing horrible either

Wow that is a crazy deal.

when the season started buffalo was still doing those value games with 4 tickets, and free pizzahut for like 99 bucks.

welcome to next year

Damn now you gotta wish people luck just finding a ticket to buy, nevermind the price…

i know when i was in cali last year i coulda went to a kings game for $10 lol just walk in 5 mins before the game buy your ticket and your set. must be nice!