I would like to buy a S13 Coupe or S14.

If anyone has one I’d appreciate it. I’m not a lowballer so I will not waste your time with ridiculous sub 2K offers. I’d like one that is running and certifiable, if its and LE (I’m picky) that would be great. KMs are irrelevant (as is colour) and I don’t really care about minor rust or faded paint/scratches. Planning to use it as a DD, so would prefer stock as possible. Manual only please. Thank you for your time.

Contact me at: Drobis@rogers.com with your price.

Or consider this stupendous offer;

hey brah i also got a 1985 vw jetta with no wheels and is currently on fire. trade it for your 240 with cash or ur side.

lmao that jetta trade is pretty fair