IC - xbox 360

I’m curently working out the details, but I might be getting a dozen XBOX 360s over the weekend. The volume prce i’m getting will aloow me to sell them at $375 plus tax each.

So if anyone’s interested this would be the time to let me know. If this deal goes throughi’m sure I will have no problems clearing them out in a few days, so first come first serve.

I will post as soon as i know if it’s a go or not.


i’ll be interested if you can set this up… would this be the just the system or the bundle package??

ill probably buy one if that goes through

We’re looking at the Core Console set, one controller, basic cables and white faceplate.

the following games would also be available for $55 each (12 copies included in the shipment, choice from bellow):
Perfect Dark Zero
Dead or Alive 4
Project Gotham Racing 3
Call of Duty 2

Additional contollers @ 40 each (6 units included in shipmnet)
Face Plates @ $18 each choice of flames, silver or wood (6 units in shipment).

Will have the final word on this Thursday afternoon, if it goes through I will have the units by Friday evening, games by Wednesday (DOA 4 only gets released on the 1st).


Due to some unforseen legal issues I had to back out of this deal.
