I’m curently working out the details, but I might be getting a dozen XBOX 360s over the weekend. The volume prce i’m getting will aloow me to sell them at $375 plus tax each.
So if anyone’s interested this would be the time to let me know. If this deal goes throughi’m sure I will have no problems clearing them out in a few days, so first come first serve.
I will post as soon as i know if it’s a go or not.
We’re looking at the Core Console set, one controller, basic cables and white faceplate.
the following games would also be available for $55 each (12 copies included in the shipment, choice from bellow):
Perfect Dark Zero
Dead or Alive 4
Project Gotham Racing 3
Call of Duty 2
Additional contollers @ 40 each (6 units included in shipmnet)
Face Plates @ $18 each choice of flames, silver or wood (6 units in shipment).
Will have the final word on this Thursday afternoon, if it goes through I will have the units by Friday evening, games by Wednesday (DOA 4 only gets released on the 1st).