Ice Cream Shoes

Nike SB>*
If you don’t skateboard they last forever. :nod

Yeah i do, orange sherbert FTW!

allen your a fucking homo :nana

hate the shoes, hate the team.

Stop your hurting my feelings.


Its ok :hug

Those are 250 bucks :nuts :nuts :nuts :nuts just because Methamphibian painted on them? thats bullshit. Those are 50-70 dollar shoes. Thats unreasonable.

canvas aint worth shit, but when a talented artist does a little diddle on it then it become worth MUCH more than shit. It’s how it works. Don’t get why you are so shocked by that.

i dont keep up with fashion, so seeing a shoe for 250+ looks unusual to me. if its the last pair of shoes id ever buy that wouldnt wear out ever, i can see spending 250 on a pair.

Well you sir do not count.

I get pissed off having to spend $60 on a pair of shoes. Everything Ive worn for the past few days doesnt add up to $250.

how do you go 2-3 days without your clothes adding up to 250?

$10 jeans and other cheap clothes and $60 shoes.

im with ya on that one. im definitely not one of those people that buys the latest according to fashion trends. i actually dont like expensive clothes. i go by if it feels good and is comfortable(most of the time) and just wear that.

wear the same shit !

I buy most of my clothes at Walmart or Steve and Barry’s. I could give a fuck about whats in style.

I dont like spending more than $15 on a pair of jeans.

ahh i hateeeee walmart clothes, well jeans, the t shirts are ok i guess… cuz they are t shirts u cant fuck those up !

steve and barrys was cool when it came to colonie center but idk everything i bought there was SUCH A POS it really fuckin pissed me the fuck off !!

so now i just buy shit at marshalls and burlington coat factory :smiley: haha

I buy jeans alot at S&B and wear them to work and they take some abuse.

Ive got $10 Levi’s on now though. They were on clearance at Walmart a while ago.

Walmart’s Faded Glory jeans have changed and now they dont seem to fit as good or last as long. My size hasnt changed but the jeans are tighter.

i sometimes find great deals at jc penny when they do big sales, but mostly marshalls. i really dont like clothes shopping in general.