Air Yeezy 2's

For those who care they are released on Saturday 6/9. If you can somehow get a pair you can flip them for a few grand.

There was a pair on eBay selling for 80K, not sure if it was legit.

I would think this was super awesome if I was a huge moron.

they look horrible.

Hypebeasts. I’d wear em if I got em for free though. Just to hurt feelings. lulz.

^^ First thing that came to my mind

Oh? Y’all didn’t know? Nike actually released those. $15k or something cool like that. For a good cause though, I guess.

So they are shoes for celebrities that think they know fashion, but actually look like complete retards?

No stores in the area will get them :frowning:

Sounds like an upper respiratory infection. Looks like one too.

I was about to make a super racist comment, but I’ll just say that the shoes are not that great looking.

WTF is “Air Yeezy”?

I remember when Nike made good looking, tasteful iconic shoes, not this celebrity spaceship crap!

The black colorway looks much better but only available on the west coast

lol @ paying over $150 for sneakers.

thats because you know nothing about fashion…

No, it’s because he has functioning eyeballs.

lol. :slight_smile:

lol @ being poor

Lol at you thinking making smart purchases makes someone poor.