Sneaker Geeks:

I want these:

but i don’t want fakes…

They are the Animal Pack Nike Dunks. I think they’re cool… i don’t care if you think they suck…

Where can i scoop them up for a good price?





if only it were real fur…


I want these:

but i don’t want fakes…

They are the Animal Pack Nike Dunks. I think they’re cool… i don’t care if you think they suck…

Where can i scoop them up for a good price?


try sunday bikes and skate shop

Those are sexy.

I just copped these women’s dunks this weekend:

i also want these:

The last sneakers posted are ugly as hell.

muscle50 should get the animal print dunks. it may make up for him not having a tiger.


muscle50 should get the animal print dunks. it may make up for him not having a tiger.


In his pants?

i doubt sunday has any of those

the last ones you posted were de la souls, they’re pretty pricey.

your best bet for any of these is ebay


i doubt sunday has any of those

the last ones you posted were de la souls, they’re pretty pricey.

your best bet for any of these is ebay


i just don’t want to get a fake. i could pass on the de la souls. i checked ebay and they were like $200+ eff that noise.


i just don’t want to get a fake. i could pass on the de la souls. i checked ebay and they were like $200+ eff that noise.


chances are good they are fakes on ebay. try the buy/sell forum on

newman i have the sneaker goldmine website. pm if you want it.

all nikes/all styles/no knockoffs

prices can get a bit high. but for the real deal, why not?

lmk if u want it


One of my toes is about to poke through the loafers I wear to work. It might be time to replace them. I put no money into footwear.


One of my toes is about to poke through the loafers I wear to work. It might be time to replace them. I put no money into footwear.


the more i look at the de la souls the more i want them.

god, they fucking rule.

its not too hard to decipher reals from fakes on ebay. reals will have pics of the box. feedback is very helpful, if they’re fakes people leave bad feedback and say “Fakes” in the feedback profile.

kinsilla has some de la’s. Maybe he is willing to part with them, and maybe they are your size?

way to wear leather.

hasta la vegsta.n.

btw if anyone has dunks or something similarly hot, I’m a 9.5 in nike, 10 in most other shoes

grey on grey ORIGINAL RUN jordan IVs. for the right price of course
size 10 or 11. i forget