Identify this guy at the LSX Shootout Early Bird Party

signing for his prize at the table on the right, then walking to the left, back into the crowd:

I don’t know who he is but I saw him high five some guy from the rocks with a slow chevelle :rofl:

:rofl: aswesome

What did he win?

4 months supply of slim fast

We went down there to fuck shit up.

And we did.

Details later.


is there any videos?

did I hear something about videos?


Someone please buy him a better comp than his Commodore-64 so we can get the videos up…

Thread failure for Lack of information.

no Shit it’s joe


When will the videos be up?


Jesus indeed and yes I did win a little something…A special thanks to Jeff, Todd,Jay, and Matt for inviting me along we had a great time.

was an awesome time. had fun hanging between races with u. too bad it was like 100 out every day.