
Todays youth :tdown:

I was really hoping he was gonna paralyze himself


that was a bad fuckin break.

holy fucking stupid

durt de durr.
Albeit entertaining ppl who do stuff like that for fun are realtarded.


Man that just gave me chills…

stupid kids…

Anyone see this one? It’s a Leaning tower of Jenga Pisa. LMAO

wow i didnt even notice he fucked up his leg till the zoomed in on it. I thought he hit is head or something the way he grabbed it.



yeah I’ve seen that before … I would have punched the dude right in the face. Perfect example of why we need wireless mics these days

ot: THat jenga video made me cry on the inside… the look on that guys face and the sound he made let you know that it hurt

wow what a tool

ah man i just had to post again that was so cool YES i love watching stupid people in pain

Dayum, made me cringe. But the Jenga tower made me feel better. :slight_smile:

SMP = Smoke More Pot :roll2: