IE downloads

When you download something on IE such as a movie thats higher in size, where does it temp download to before it finishes and transfers to the folder you want it in? Thanks in advance

it depends on the OS.

are you using XP Home? if so it’s probably:

c:\Documents and Settings*your_user_name_here\Local Settings\Temp*could_be_another_dir_here

that is if i understand what you’re asking…

in IE, click “tools” > “internet options”

under the “general” tab in the middle of the window under “temporary internet files” hit “settings”. In that window hit “view files”

it’ll show ya where their located :slight_smile:


silence is right.

it goes to the temp internet files first.

tahts what i figured. i couldnt find the file in there though and thats why i figured id ask if anyone had any insight to other places it might be haha. thanks guys