if anybodys got any extra stuff laying around they dont need lemme kno

i need some stuff for my room like a couch maybe a bed or a tv vcr dvd

i dont like the bluetooth shit so none of that the movies are too expensive

or if you got anything that you think you could sell you could just give me i need money bad to get some food and shoes and toys for my kid

i could sell it on craigslist too or something lemme know what you have

Da fuck?

Shift is now goodwill.

forgot to put up my number my bad

someone please call that number, i’m too scared

you could sell your mothers corpse to the Gentleman’s warehouse guy

I did and :rofl 'd

must be an inside joke

It’s Blu-Ray, not bluetooth, ya dumb shmuck.

aww yee

LMAO, subscribed!

I have some half/three quarter used sheets of sheetrock you could sell…i’ll give them to you for free you just have to come haul them out of my basement.

I got some racing slicks for your apartment

hit me up Pidar

I see you becoming rich soon


Ive got a set of encyclopedia’s and a dictionary that it appears would be a beneficial addition to your trailer

Beer cans, vodka bottles (rye), and various items on display on Quail St. every Tues. night. First come first serve.