That best describes your character, what would you be?
And no, not the typical supercar discussion.
If you want a Lambo, then you’re high end, high maintenance person that half the people look down on you or just don’t even know who the fuck you are :lol
So think about this one.
What car are you and why?
Use the cars definitive characteristics and apply them to yourself.
id probably be a 1984 toyota mr2 N/A because i’m not fast, i’m ugly, i’m goofy, im not worth shit, my underside is rusty ( :shifty ), i’m gay, and i’m in general a smoldering hunk of shit.
no. its 4 wheel independent suspension, with a locking differential. but it was a very light car so it went over nearly anything… Beetles are NASTY in the snow. as long as the heater boxes arent rotted out, you will even be semi warm in the winter.