if you like guitar hero & rockband...

you might like this.

its killing the time at work.

I can’t get the Mac version to work, my screen just goes black and then does nothing :headbang

Is it anything like this game http://www.addictinggames.com/supercrazy2.html

BTW, glad you registered John, our numbers are growing here :banana

nope! its better then that. you can download songs already made by other people, or create your own w/mp3’s. its really cool. i was just playing dragonforce - through the fire and flames on medium…so much easier on here then on gh.

looks like there’s a problem w/some mac’s running it. there’s talk about it over at: http://sourceforge.net/forum/forum.php?thread_id=1718456&forum_id=633606
might be a graphic setting to though. ill take a look at it when i come over. ive got it running fine on my iMac…haven’t tried my powerbook yet. my dell laptop plays it fine to.

and yea! i had to sign up…i need something to read during the day at work. im going nuts here…so quiet today!!
i signed up on rspeed to. i remember bryan talking about it before.


Pretty nifty, I’m going to try it on my laptop :lol

Rspeed… Shift518, make your own choice, it’s clear where my preferences lie :mwahaha

Hey welcome John.

hey whats up?