Im an UNCLE!!!!!

well… have been for about a week now… i just FINALLY got the pics from my sis…

anyway, dont know the weights or anything else important like that… just know its a girl and her name is… molly??? molly baker… :picard: ughh sounds like a damn cookie…anyway…

i really have no idea bout this one…

another reason why i hate her bf

and the best for last

and yes… she has hair

cute. I love kids
Congrats Uncle AFhockey31



im hopin i can get some time to go up and see her

i just dropped cash and sent up AF baby clothes lol

Congrats man. My sis is due in June so I’ll finally be an Uncle too!

then you can be uncle BOOOOOOMMMMin :lol: :baby:

Cute kid. Congrats :tup: