im back

Did they atleast cut that fat ugly head off of you and replace it with another? Welcome back Jeff…

what have you done since the issue to make you a better person, you cant just say i am a better person… thats kinda like saying i have a 17 inch dick, its not true, but i would like to believe it

they removed his vagina and now he has to piss out his ass. poor guy

Since it is all new to him maybe you could give him a few pointers:kekegay:

I had a reaction to the anesthesia a few days after the surgery causing me not be able to sleep for 4 days straight, causing panic attacks and other things… I had to be in the hospital for 16days for recovery. I’m going to have to take medication for 6-8 months then everything will be ok.

it was a traumatic experience that I went thru and has changed my whole perspective on life… for the better.
so basically I went brain dead for 10 day to give you the cliffnotes

That’s some crazy shit! Glad to hear you made a full recovery.

ya it fucked me all up but I am a completely new person i feel like… I used to not like crowds or wasnt able to speak up in large groups and shit… now I feel as if i can propose to my girlfriend in the middle of the field of a steelers game lol…

Let’s not get ahead of ourselves here. :nuts:

a few days after??? thats gotta scare the shit out of ya… i did not realize that stuff was in your system that long after surgery

Where you helping Britney Spears get to the North Pole?!?

:rofl: welcome back to the real world jeff!

i can make u gone again


Hey man, thats pretty cool! Im sure it feels weird now, but good.

ya, my girlfriend looked it up for me over the net while I was in there and found out that an actual Doctor that had surgery had the same effect to the anesthesia as me. Its an rare thing to happen but the doctors have told me it happens to like 15% of people getting sugery a year…

ya it feels weird but I’ll get used to it all :slight_smile:

I know without the support of my family and friends that I wouldnt have been able to recover, so everything I goes out to them

Glad to hear you are better now.

Welcome back!

gotta start deleting shit again now!

I just got back from doing a medical mission in a 3rd world country and seen this happen to little kids. Did they try to induce you with Ketamine before they gave you general anesthesia? I’ve seen 2 reactions with ketamine. Some kids just kind space out and chill. Then some turn in to crazy trippin animals.

Good luck with your recovery!

dunno… I have to call down to upmc southside where the surgery was done today.
I remember they DID give me something Before the general anesthesia… so maybe that has to do with what happened… Thanks for the Info cuz I wanna know what caused this shit to happen to me and know to avoid it if I get any other surgery