im back

after my surgery I had a something go wrong with me with the anesthesia
which landed me in the hospital for 16days… extremely bad experience but I am better now and feel like a changed person…
I’ve been thru pittspeed withdrawal

u were gone? :slight_smile:

glad to hear your ok! welcome back :beer:

x2…you finally get that hamster removed from your ass?

no. but got tasered pretty badly

no. but got tasered pretty badly

so you banned yourself:bowrofl:



16 days that’s it ?

didn’t notice

lol. trust me tho… Im a different person now… doctors dont understand what happened but whatever did has changed my life and I’m a better person now

did you find osoma bin laden or buddah ?

yeah yeah i hit a wall doin 35 on a bike and thought all that good stuff too… you know what really changed? i dont ride bikes into walls no more.

does this mean that you will stop making stupid fucking posts? :x:

yes :beer: but this one is an exception



Welcome back, glad to hear you are a changed person. Either way, it cant be any worse than before :slight_smile:


You guys are brutal…holy shit.

he knows me and knows im messing. as for the other rude comments, if he changed into a girl, hes probably crying in the corner somewhere.