gallbladder surgery

getting mine out on monday. anybody else have theirs out

Damn man hope it all goes well

My gfs cousin had hers out she was up and around in a couple days just standing up was hard but I here the drugs help alot

When you are in the recovery room after surgery, and the nurse asks how much pain you are in on a scale form one to ten, tell them 9. You will get most excellent pain killers that way.


be a man & dont post it on the INTERWEB!!!

not quite sure what the relationship between being a man and posting on the net is but. sure… i was just curious if anybody else has had it done, i have never had any type of surgery, except lasik, and that aint shit, hell up untill 2 months ago i have never given blood, now i have given more blood than most people have to offer, and today i had some radio active shit pumped into my veins

Yeah I had it done in 2007. No big deal in and out the same day, and I healed up fast.

Save it, Cook it later


Last year mine came out, I had it done on a Friday, was back to work on Tues. no big deal at all. Really not even much pain.


i kinda dont like hospital drugs, they gave me morphine the other day during the hida scan to get the gall bladder to relax and that was not as cool as one would expect. made me kinda sick

Tell them that before your surgery and they will give you something different, like Dilaudid. There a bunch of different IV pain meds they can give you that will actually kill the pain without making you sick. Just let them know that morphine is a bad one for you.

yeah, and make sure you tell everyone, i know every fucking time we see a new nurse/ doc they fail to get the memo of what medicines do not agree with my pops

good luck with the surgery!

If you are having it out and its you’re not in dire pain right now, it probably won’t be bad.

My mom had hers out a year or two ago but she was in a ton of pain and was in the ER for it and the such, so hers was more of an emergency thing. She also had to have regular surgery to have it removed instead of arthroscopic so that made it hurt some more since the incision and everything else needed was larger.

i have had a few “attacks” that have put me in the ER. most people have gall stones or a blockage causing pain and swelling, mine is the exact opposit it is constricted . if i eat anything fattey i am doomed. on the bright side because i have been on a zero fat diet for almost 2 months i have lost about 15 lbs. do you know how hard it is to eat ZERO fat

Something else I;m not sure if anyone has told you, and it has happen to everyone I know, I’m not saying it happens to everyone, but atleaset the half dozen or so I know that had theirs removed, for about six months after, anything you eat goes right thorugh you. I’m talking five minutes tops for me, and two buddies that had it done. The others I knew said they had ten fifteen minutes.

Hope all goes well, buddy.

Good luck, Travis.

A guy at work just had his out, and he was out and about the day after. Back to work in a few days, and he’s in his early 60s. They scoped his.

a guy at work has that problem every morning he has to drink some orange powder mix that absorbs the bile or he is in the bathroom 2 minutes after he eats

How do you know when it goes bad?