so much fucking pain right now… had to get a surgery this morning to remove a 9mm kidney stone… to give you an idea… most people have stones that are 3-4 that put them in the hospital
i must say… ive been under the knife now 8 times, and this is BY FAR the worst pain ive ever had…
im soo looped up on drugs right now, its taken me 10 min to type this so the spelling nazi’s wont bash me today
anyway… i posted cause now im bored laying in bed uckin hate this shit
yeah… not sure how it got that big and i didnt have constant pain… but they wanted it outa me ASAP
cant do a fucking thing right now… cant even fart cause it hurts… for fucks sake… farting’s like my bread n butter, its like taking tools away from a plumber and saying fix my shitter:bloated:
My brother is a paramedic for Rural Metro and the City of Syracuse. He told me that when he goes to a scene for a stone he has the morphine out before they get there since it is more painful than being shot or stabbed etc… He said it is the only time that he goes straight for the pain meds before anything else.
this was paraphrased from a conversation we had about Stones, so EMS people don’t bash me for my illiteracy on this topic, I just typed what i took from it.
im actually glad other people have said that theyve felt the worst pain ever… i was starting to think that i was being a baby about it… i STILL cant believe how painful it is, and they pulled it out!
ive been curled up in the fetal position for most of the day and drugged outa my mind and its not getting better… i hope tomorrows better cause this is nuts
ive had a couple really bad surgeries and its nothing like this
I feel your pain. I broke my arm last week (humorous). It wasn’t that bad actually. Except for the X-ray tech. The bitch threw my arm all over the place and was twisting it.
I damn near passed out from the pain. Even when the doctor re-set it, that pain was nothing compared to what that tech did to me.
I’ve never had a stone so I can’t relate in those regards, but I can relate to when someone is having the worst pain in their life. Good luck with everything!
Had 2 stones before myself (2 occasions that is). I feel your pain man, its fucking bad. No joke, I dont care how tough you think you are, its pretty painful. Props on the 9mm dammmmm. Mine was like 4. Passed them both. First time I passed it in the hospital when they wanted a pee sample, the nurse was like " no shit ".
On the positive side, the pain meds are fucking great. Still got a half bottle left over :tup: