Wisdom Teeth

Has anyone gotten theirs out? Mine have been really bothering me lately. The doctor at my work gave me Darvocet N-100 to ease the pain for the time being, and they work awesome. I made an appt. with my dentist on Monday so I guess I will find out some more then.

I’m not usually nervous about surgery, but the fact that it’s my teeth does have me worried a bit. I HATE HATE HATE going to the dentist, it’s just something I have grown to hate over the years. The pick that they use to clean between your teeth is the worst, and since I have sensitive gums they always bleed and hurt worse than PJB’s asshole after a night of camping:haha

Thanks in advance for the advice.

depends…if your doc askes you if you can feel what hes doing say yes untill you cant feel anything…if your a big guy chances are they are really deep and its gonna hurt klike an sob afterwords for prolly a day…ask him for some good drugs and call in sick…

If the dentist pick is the worst of your dental fears… your in for a very bad experience

Yeah. My little brother got them out last year and he was fucked up for 2 or 3 days straight. Whenever i move my jaw I can feel them pushing on my back teeth. I’ve been taking these Darvocets for the past week or so. They aren’t good for your liver though, so the sooner I get these out and off these pills the better.

Just something about dental work makes me uneasy. Not sure what it is.

I had mine out. It was prolly the worst ordeal ever. Mine were inpacted also. Extremly painful.

Yah I know what you mean, Ive always turned into a pussy at the dentist. Fortunately though the experience of getting them out won’t be too bad because you will be loaded with drugs. From what Ive heard its just the days after that kind of suck, but even then youl have hydros.

I too HATE!!! the dentist, and thankfully I’ve been told my wisdom teeth are in good place and came in straight and they don’t seem to bother me either.
Goodluck with everything though.

I has mine pulled last summer. They knocked me out with a local anesthetic, and I woke up, still feeling the drug effects from the surgery, in my mom’s minivan driving home :rofl
You’ll be fine as long as they give you enough anesthetic. Just bring some music to listen to when they knock you out. Relax a few days to a week after, and you’re done!

Yah, I had a bunch of teeth pulled so my wisdom teeth were able to come in with no problems.

Thanks man. I really appreciate it.

I’m already kind of drugged now, so I can only imagine what it’s going to be like after I get them out. :rofl

Good for you man.

wit the NOS its a cakewalk.

I had all 4 impacted, they gave me conscious sedation, I went under and woke up with a mouth full of stitches, gauze, and blood.

Pain was horrendous, even on the Hydro 10s. Srsly. doc said he almost broke my jaw getting the bottom right one out. I don’t want to know.

that conscious sedation crap freaks me out, they said I was talking to them the whole time! wtf?! I dont want to have a dream some night when I’m 45 and relive that horrorfest :frowning:

anyways, put me up for a good three days, ate mad cottage cheese, swelling didnt go down until about the 6th or 7th day.

Got mine out last year. I only had 3, it’s genetic. Only used the pain killers for a day, didn’t need them after that. Plus, they didn’t sit well in my stomach. I sold the rest of the bottle for $$$$.:rofl
I had to go back to the surgeon a week later so he could literally rip out a piece of bone sticking through my gum that he missed.:Idiots
The pain isn’t that bad, the pills make it worse. Sack up and deal with it.:thumbup

Mine came out easy, but I also have an awesome dentist. He didn’t put me out, or a conscious sedation, just a little bit of novacaine(sp?). On a 0-10 pain scale, 10 being the highest, I felt maybe a 3-4 at the time. After novacaine wore off, maybe a 5? I was fine. He took one out one week, one out the next, and then two out the week after. It worked out fine though.

I have an irrational fear of the dentist as well, for some odd reason. I also have 3 of my wisdom teeth coming in, but they seem to be coming in okay because they do not hurt, and they are not cramming my existing teeth. Soooo… Until those fuckers start hurting or mashing my teeth together they are staying put.

Not having health ins + having a fear of dentists, I just deal with the pain. Mine grow in a little bit every few months for the past 3-4 years. The last round of them growing in, one of them cracked and broke. I was in BAD pain for almost 2 weeks, luckily I still had some pain meds kicking around

Yeah, I have health insurance so i’m not worried about that.

My Lexapro is $100 a month without insurance. Crazy.

all 4 of mine removed. 2 separate surgeries. first were done in bootcamp, just the lowers, uppers had not developed enough yet. for me, it was virtually pain free, bleeding was minimal, but ive seen some people have less luck.

the 2nd set was the uppers, went it for a pounding headache, was sure it was the wisdom teeth, sent me to emergency oral surgery. was in and out in 20minutes, healed up fully in a couple of weeks… only side effect ive had is my upper teeth have shifted a little and i developed a small gap in my front teeth, nothing life threatening ya know.

:eek3 :ohnoes my mouth hurts from just reading all this… im glad my teeth r good.