"You see that? That's bad."

Said the oral surgeon, looking at my impacted wisdom tooth.

But this time it was different. It was the last of the bunch.

I waited too long. It was partially exposed. It was pushing my other teeth.

It was really painful, a different kind of pain I felt before.

Looked at the tooth, it was actually uh, negative “camber”… like not pointing perpendicular, actually angled DOWN a bit.

5 pieces. he broke it into 5 pieces…

when I awoke (he wouldn’t let me not go to sleep) he said “your roots are the biggest roots I have ever seen… most peoples teeth AND roots are the size of just your root.”

I looked at the prescription he gave me…

Hydrocodone APAP 10mg/750

10 mg, that’s some fucking serious shit.

I took some and passed out when I got home.

Woke up, got up, and realized it was about 4.5 hours since… and then the pain set in…

holy fuck…

now I took another, and i’m chilllllllllllllllllllllllin


/rant or wathever the fuck this is

Damn dood. Youve been struggling with this shit for a while now. How long til youre supposed to be all betta?

Should came and we could have had another slip and sliderrr. that would have knocked that facker out :tup: :smiley:


My girlie just had wisdom teeth pulled
seems like the first 2 days suck
and then its just food in holes.

my wisdon teeth have been coming in for a while now.

How old are you that you waited too long? Im 21 and theyve been pushing against my other teeth (so much that theyre tilting forward under teh gums)

no pain yet tho.

good luck with the recovery

All four of mine were impacted when I got them removed. . .it sucks major ass! Sorry about your luck dude. [http://www.gmv6pcm.com/style_emoticons/default/thumbsdown.gif](http://javascript<b></b>:add_smilie()

i’m 22… they should have been removed when i was 15… I’m still paying for it.

someday I will man up and get them yanked, some day.

I was out on the town 2 hours later!

drugs rule

i neeed drugggs

man up bitches.

i get mine out next tuesday.

man up nothing

post back here when you get them out, shit talker :rofffffle:

I’m 24.


Can’t say I feel your pain Howie… I’m a medical curiosity myself… I only had my lower wisdom teeth come in, and they fit quite nicely. Maybe my orthodontist scared the top 2, they never came in :gotme:

Have fun with the drugs… and NO STRAWS!

i dont have to have mine out either, they said i have more than enough room in my mouth for them to fit in.

my friend eric was eating a chicken finger sub the night that he had his out. they are different for everybody.

did the docter then proceed to tell you that “Tooth Root size is proportionate to head size!” …?

^^^ hahaha.

if it is, then bring those 5 pieces back to buffalo, howie. some of the bricks fell off of my house when we had that tornado. it could use a nice patch job :stuck_out_tongue:


Yeah especially the gas I got right before getting my wisdom teeth pulled. Wow!!!

Novacaine owns, I’ve had like 12 teeth pulled by the time I was like 12. Never had my Wisdoms pulled though. I can remember half my face being numb for like an hour after getting them pulled though, drooling all over yourself rules.