Wisdom teeth extraction sucks ass.

Those of you who haven’t had them out… don’t let anyone tell you it’s no big deal. It fucking sucks ass. I haven’t eaten a thing all day except chocolate pudding, I was holding a bag of frozen corn on my face awhile ago, I have to swish with salt water every hour or so, and don’t make me laugh! I’ll end up crying… :squint:

Didn’t they give you any pain pills?

I can keep my left side, but the top and bottom of my right side has to go. Everyone has been telling me “oh its nothing” …

mine came out and i was eating normal in 2 days it hurt for 2 hours and all 4 of mine were impacted.

They gave me a script for percocet, but I won’t take it. I took an 800mg Ibuprofen and felt MUCH better after that.

All 4 were impacted, but honestly I can’t feel anything except the bottom ones. Mike said I have big holes where they were.

Its different for everyone, mine were no big deal.

hope you feel better!
mine need to come out soon, and im scared as hell. 4 months later im still dealing with the aftermath of the surgery i had in august. i cant take much more pain lol

yeah it does suck…got mine out 2 years ago…didnt eat for a week (upside of it, i lost about 8 lbs.) Then it turns out that my guns grew over the stitches and they had to cut them back open to get them out. oh and i got a dry socket :down: bad times

hope you feel better soon though :slight_smile:

All four of mine were impacted, I was put under for it, and everything went fine. They gave me a prescription for Viccodin, which I ended up puking up anyways. It hurt that day, but all in all it wasn’t too bad.

I had to have my gums cut back some before I got my braces years back, and that was much, MUCH worse. I had to go back for stitches three days in a row because they wouldn’t stop bleeding. And big ass needles in the gums do not feel good.

mine hurt for two days after that i was at work busting ass as usual. give it a few days and you will be ok.


wait till the stitches start to disinerate and the hang down and touch your tounge…veeery annoying

Were you awake when you got it done? I was, it strange hearing your gums get cut into when your all drugged up like that. Mine werent even pushing thru so that made it worse. My jaw hurt like fucking hell from the surgury. I got 2 perks and my parents took them from me(i was only 18 when I got them out). IB helps alot with swelling.

If it still hurts like crazy after a few days, have your doctor check for dry sockets. Ask MagicalMarge how bad that hurts.

i hurt so much with perks but i just didnt give a fuck. tons a fun.

it sucks, but i quick smoking when i had mine out… almost 2 months without a cigarette, so it wasn’t all bad

it is not bad if you have a good doctor. ohh yeah don’t drink out of a straw till the stitches fall out because it will give you dry sockets and that sucks worse than the surgery.

My wisdom teeth removal wasn’t bad until a few days after they came out. The pain was REAL BAD! So I went back in and they found that my stitches came out and food had gotten down in the socket. The most pain I have ever endured follwed that discovery when the Dr inserted a medicated wad of gauze into the socket. THAT HURT! After the initial pain it was fine and healed up perfect.


Mine werent bad, the only thing that was really bad was like the first day or so. I kept throwing up from all the blood i was swallowing. Other then that i took pain pills and i was fine. I still remember when i got home from gettin them out i was in the living room trying to play GTA and i kept falling asleep while playing it from the anasesa after effects.

And here i am awake at five AM eating a popsicle for breakfast. Odd, I can’t feel any of my teeth except the bottom one on the left. It seems to be much worse than the others. Yippee.

Must be wisdom teeth day, my b-in-law had his taken out yesterday too.

You should give him a call. You can mumble to each other. :smiley: That wasn’t very nice. I’m sorry.

Make sure you take all the antibiotics they give. I didn’t and mine got infected… They had to put a drain tube in… That hurt. No novicain (sp) just rip it open and take of things…