Wisdom Teeth... Who has em still?

Kinda random but I’m about 5 hours post op now and my face hurts like a bitch :lol:. How many of you guys still have yours or had yours removed, any stories about them?

still got mine.

dad is 40 and just got his out last year!

Yeap…still got mine even at 26.

WTF? That’s gotta hurt I’m 17 but mine were fully rooted so to pull all 4 took about 45 minutes and a ton of drilling and I wasn’t put fully out

Pulled a few years ago. No biggie.

got one of mine pulled, was eating burgers and such the same day. my other wisdom teeth are coming in but ttrying to ignore them for now… its the healthy thing to do…

you’ll be fine, stop being a pussy.

I’m not being a pussy Cal just want to hear some stories about them. My damn dentist was singing and dancing while doing them :lol:


Mine are still coming in, my dentist says they might come out really fucked, so I’m kinda afraid lolz. Plus I gotta get some mad tight bling string in there, braces FTL!

Got mine out like a year and a half ago. they had to give me drugs to wake me back up cuz i was out for too long. then i came home and slept for a day and a half. didnt swell though.

a couple days later took my g test on t3’s though. that was kinda cool haha

Still have mines they hurt till i get migraines sometimes… don’t like them get impacted with your molars or they’ll want to yank those bad boys out too… and if they are too deep and they touch the nerve you’ll be in a shit load of pain and be drooling over yourself cause your lip will officially have a mind of it’s own…

LOL! They use like 5 needles on me, a bag if demorol and nitrous. I was high as a kite and laughing through the whole procedure. Now I’m on codeine and clamidonicen :lol: I feel so drugged out.

all 4 pulled at once, most painful experience of my life, even with the gas and needls, maybe i need a new dentist…

Should’ve gotten more NOS.

I got a lot of nitrous, and they used an IV, I was HIGH lol. My wisdom teeth were impacted, so I got all 4 taken out. Surprisingly, I had minimal swelling and a super fast recovery. My dentist was like “Ok, Ahmad, we’re going to explain post op care to your family because you won’t remember any of this.”

I still do. lol They kept telling me to STFU cuz I was talking during the whole surgery. They were like “we’re cutting your gums with a scalpel right this moment…STOP TALKING!”

Btw, don’t forget about your surgery a week from now when you’re chewing gum, and try to spit it into the garbage can, bad idea…the blood clots in the “holes” left over need to remain undisturbed. You cannot have vacuum in your mouth, or boost. lol

It will hurt, and slow down your recovery, if the holes “dry out” they’ll have to re-butcher it to make it bleed again so it will re-clot. That’s what happened to my dad.

Overall don’t worry, this is cake in terms of surgeries. It heals fast, and no more pain ever again from those wisdom teeth.

Still got mine and their all good…

I didn’t feel anything until a couple days after. They knocked me out with NoS (lol) and gave me some painkillers that made me float. Not too much swelling either. They had to remove 4 wisdom teeth, and one moular that was impacted. That nitrogen is serious… I was skipping through a parking lot 5 minutes after surgery.

i dont have any wisdom teeth… they all got absorbed into my brain, thats why im so smart.

^^ haha

I got my out this year, I was drugged so hard i dont even remember getting home.

pills do wonders it will hurt tonight hang in there