Wisdom Teeth... Who has em still?

Hahaha…that gave me a good chuckle.

OP, I still have them all and they’re as straight and perfect as can be.

I can eat other teeth with MY teeth.

had all 4, 2 impacted, they gave me nos i woke up however much later, they tried to give me water but my face was numb so it went all over the place, was fine by the night didnt even use the meds really

getting mine out soon too… i think… lol
the bottom ones arent coming out right… top ones already set.

I got my 4 pulled out, and 4 extra teeth at the same time, so 8 all together for those who cant add.

Didn’t hurt for a second… swelled for a day or 2.

I got all hyped up about the drugs and they didn’t do shit for me.

mine were supposed to be removed a whiiile ago but i have never done it, and i think it fucked my nerves and im %80 deaf now as of a month ago, bit i havent gone to a specialist to confirm it yet, that will be on the 8th, but if its a simple ear infection then THANK GOD! but if my wisdom teeth Ear fucked my nerves it may be permanent, … :frowning:

got all 4 out 2 weeks ago, got laughing gas and an IV.
Procedure went well i heard. didn’t remember sh*t.
took about a week to heal

oh question!

does it hurt to eat spicy food after??

It usually hurts to eat ANY food later. lol except maybe soup or something similar.
i got 2 of mine pulled, 1 was inpacted. i couldnt open my mouth more than half an inch the day they did it, and the day after. took about a week and a bit to fully heal for me.

It’s my second day and I want to eat solid foods it’s pissing me off. :lol: all four of mine were impacted.

I only had 1 and got it removed, it was impacted… Wasn’t that bad.