wisdom teeth out FTL

its such a waste. they werent botherhing me but i was told to get them done before they ever could or would. NOW THEYRE BOTHERING ME CUZ THEY AREN TTHERE ANYMORE!!! all four impacted. the gas didnt work on me i was still awake and tottaly knew what was going on and i could still feel pain and i was able to tell them this and they didnt do much of anything to correct that. fuckers. i want to club a baby seal.

the fact that you got all 4 out and are still capable of typing that means you are ok.

Trust me, you don’t want them coming in, the pain you would have felt later would have been 100x in magnatude.

i just had one pulled last week… the gas didnt do anything for ya?? u sure u were taking in big enough breaths?

the gas isn’t meant to necessarily put u out, just to relax u… the novacaine shots in the mouth make it so u don’t feel pain… sure u still feel when they’re hammering down at an angle or cutting away, but not enough that it should bother u.

did u at least get a prescription for some good ol’ pain pills? i had a blast w/ the gas when i was there, and the pain pills kept me loopy for the next few days… can’t wait to have the others yanked - lol. u should be ok in a couple days though. soon as the gaping hole stops bleeding everywhere and u can spit/swallow/chew agan.

edit: to add to howie, yes - the pain that they can cause u is horrible, not worth it to wait and get caught off guard.

that sucks, i had all 4 of mine pulled at the same time. I got knocked completely out and it didnt hurt at all after the fact. I didnt need any of my meds

had all 4 done not too long ago…the IV is the way to go man…right to the bloodstream…i didnt feel a thing, and dont remember any of the procedure…it was great, and the pain killers afterward were just as good

i had the iv too. and they gave me pussy 5mg tabs. i was hoggin that lafengas. ehh whatever. im over it.

i had an illergic reaction to the IV they gave me

i had all 4 out…awake the entire time and dry sockets…that day sucked

Yeah all 4 out in one day with just the novacaine. Thats how real men do it :rofl:

Yeah I gotta get all 4 of mine out still. When the lower right was comeing threw I took my knife and cut the gums away from the tooth…it actually hurt less, though probably not the smartest thing to do. They definatly suxor.

Can I have your drugs?

not having wisdom teeth at all ftw

Thats how I had it done and it was mostly painless,the only time I ran into discomfort was when one of them cracked in half and he had to twist and pry,this guy in lancaster was friggen awesome and he was done in 20 minutes for all 4.My mouth was so numb I was drooling all over the place and I couldnt feel my tongue :lol:

they gave me hydrocodone after i had mine out. during my recovery time i watched every episode of aqua teen hunger force with a perma-smile repeatedly for about 3 days straight. the only break i had from aqua teen was when i went out and bought my audi. true story.

Hydros are ok, they take the edge off, thats about it. Demeral (sp) FTW. That shit is OMFG awsome, especially when they inject it into your I.V.

all four just novacain… and didnt use the vicodin they gave me after lol…

i only have 2, not really looking forward to having them out. Im gonna tell the doc to make sure im knocked the F out. I dont wanna feel a thing.

Same here, they have to put me out. I can’t stand to just getting my teeth cleaned. I HATE going to the dentist.

well i was pretty snowed after because i got phentenal. that shit was rad.

Sounds like you had the same exact experience as me then.