Wisdom Teeth

I had my wisdom teeth pulled today all 4 of em i think iam dying!! :crying:

Your supposed to be hopped up on all sorts of good drugs you shouldn’t feel a freakin thing – Suck it up! :wink:

that sux… just go to sleep and wake up in a few days and itll all be over.

Vicodin FTW!

The bottle says 2, just take 4 and u’ll be gooooooolden!

plus beer

no you pussy…wiskey, on the rocks

I’m getting mine out 2 days after Christmas.

thats all and good but none of you pussies will drink whiskey with me except goob

i got mine out 3 weeks ago tomorrow, quit smoking and feel fine… first couple days are a bitch due to what you can and can’t eat. i had mac n’ cheese for like 5 days straight


i had mine out two years ago…it sucked…once the pain started to go away my face swelled up. plus i couldnt open my mouth all the way for like 2 weeks, so get used to not eatting for a bit.

why are people such pussys about this. i took two advil and played xbox all day and spit out bloody gauze…no big deal

i had all 4 removed, 2 impacted… after 1 day I was ok, just beefed up on pain killers and had a lot of soup :slight_smile:

when I got mine out, they had me on so much shit that I don’t remember the first two days I was home :smiley:

mine grew in like nature intended… of course i only had 1:D

only had one!? lucky bastard. My bottom two are fully impacted, and my top two are partially impacted.

oh jen that’s gonna be hellacious! Make sure mike stocks up the liquor cabinet for you! :smiley: Get lots of drugs! :bigok:

no drugs… just ibuprofen.

i only had 1, got it removed it wasn’t to bad

did not even use the pain pills they gave me. its an awesome feeling when you come back after the surgery!

I had all 4 removed a few weeks ago…One was impacted horizontally…The first few days were fine, but then I got a dry socket…I told the dentist but they said I was fine…So a week later I was in the ER because the dentist never fixed the dry socket. Worst pain I have ever felt…I was lying in bed crying for a few days. Just ask 8grand, he was my servant for like a week.