No more wisdom teeth for me!

Boo! Just wish my mouth wasnt soo numb… feels like my tounge is real realy dry… it doesnt hurt yet but i can feel one spot aching - guessing that shit is gonna hurt later on today. Yay!

You will prefer your mouth be numb… were they impacted? Mine were and I was in SOOOOO much pain for like 10 days.

i had 4 impacted and it turned out not to be that bad. i did have one hole that wouldnt close up so i had to use this little syringe squirter to clean the food out of it. shit was gross. i had like week old pieces of rice come out of it!

That means it’s time to get yo drink on early to numb it up!

Although prob. not a good idear if you’re on meds, or is it?

Just be careful, no smoking, no sucking thru a straw…don’t want to get dry sockets, they suck from what I hear!

mmm time for wendy’s frosty’s and KFC mash potato’s thats what i lived on for 5 days when i got mine out.

mmmm frosty…yumm

i cant’t even really tell that i got them out. 3 out of 4 don’t hurt at all - all numbing is gone now - i had 2 impacted - the one i was worried aboiut i had a reason to… it feels like they hit me in the jaw with a sledge hammer in that one spot. Other than that I am fine. Biggest killer right now is no smoking - as they day goes on i am getting meaner-- oh well the old lady wanted me to quit anyways - she would have caught the attitude with it anyways.

It was definately the worst pain I’ve ever felt :sadwavey:

i thought i was next on the wisdom teeth list, but it turns out i am not that wise, i only have 1,lower left, the other 3 are not there, the pain i was having is because i clench my teeth at night so now i have to sleep with a mouth gaurd, oh well good luck with your recovery

lemme get some perks droooooooooool…

Jeremy come over to sewickley and give me a numb job.

I am dreading getting mine out.

its not bad… i cant even tell i had them pulled really - well 3 of them atleast - i am taking minimal pain meds and feel great - i felt like a champ they day of and the day after the surgery, i dont know why people make it out like you die or something. I only had swelling on one side of my lower jaw… I had a really bad inpacted tooth

its not to bad, I only had one though. It really just feels like you were in a fight. My jaw hurt so bad for a few days, but I was eating in like a day. cool soups were delicious!

i got mine out 2 days before thanksgiving, and i still managed to eat a whole meal. i was swallowing whole pieces of turkey without chewing them at all. (insert gay joke). i think thats why i had a hole that didnt close, cuz i got food down in there on the second day.

Ask for vicodin, that seems to work better for me.