"You see that? That's bad."

Ramming food into your face because you can’t tell if you mouth is open is hawt. :tup:

Yea, I was the same way also.

I’m gonna have that happen to me sometime… not looking forward to it =(

I just had all 4 pulled 1 week ago…

I was on Vicatin until it started making me sick, then I lost 5lbs because I was throwing up all of my food. Yummy, huh?

I went today to the dentist for a post-op check up, and I have a small case of dry socket in my lower left socket. He put in this medicated strip that tastes like cloves (like the ones you put on a ham to season it) and it tastes bad, but my jaw hasn’t been hurting all day.

My procedure was really fast too, 30 minutes it took for him to take out all 4 of my teeth. That’s because the teeth weren’t close to the roots or anything.

But, I hope you feel better!

i had all mine out when I was 16…it was awful, they hit a nerve and I had No feeling on the left side of my face for 6 weeks. lol

Try getting ur tonsils out. ICK!

ehh, i feel your pain. i had all 4 pulled on friday, and i’m still on a liquid diet plus antibiotecs, 600mg IBP, steriods, Hydrocodone. yum…

you will be all better again soon :slight_smile:

teeth pain is the worst.

i’ll take a pic of that AE86 and put a note on his windshield expressing interest just because i feel bad your mouth got fuxored

I have all 4 of mine in with no problems.

i had mine out this past winter. it wasnt bad at all. i got an IV with some sweet drugs. i dont remember anything until i got home, and even thats a little fuzzy. i also got some darvon <3 but i only took 2 and i still got a whole bottle :wink: :snky:

No… it’s definately bad. Been up for 45 minutes, didn’t go to bed till like 2AM

fucking pain killers only lasting 4 hours…

that sounds terrible Ang…i’m sorry. I hope you feel better soon!!!

mine were pulled before I was born, I guess. lol Last time my mouth was x-rayed, I didn’t even have wisdom teeth in my jaw at all. (I also still have 2 baby teeth because they didn’t have adult teeth to push them out…)

My teeth suck.

i just got mw wisdom teeth pulled last week monday and the first day was the worst but after that the pain pills really helped, they had compliucations with the right side of my mouth so that hurt the most and its bruised now but atleast i can eat again

Yeah, I know what you mean. When things start getting better, my suggestion would be to switch to Aleve for the pain. It doesn’t make you tired and gets rid of the pain for 8-12 hours. I was taking Motrin and it would barely last 5.

what to do is chew your painkillers- it might not taste good but it hits your harder and all at once. :tup: to less tooth pain.

I had two FULL BONEY IMPACTED wisdom teeth removed with nothing more than local. No drugs, no sleepy. Hell, I watched him do the whole thing in the reflection of his mask. I have some huge hydrocodone pills from it… they didnt do much for pain, they just made me dizzy. Quit your whining you puss.

woah, settle down dude…no need to get all pissy about it…and make yourself sound all tough at the same time. things affect people differently, so if you dont have anything positive to add, just keep it to yourself. thx:)

You have 21 posts, so you obv havent been on here for very long.

Tom and Howie are friends.

You might wanna lurk around for a while before trying to settle “disputes”.

I take 10/325 ALL day long for the Last 5 years. “Back Injury” And yes they make ya all fuzzy and Chill!

Just dont like em too much cause 10/750 is SUPER high amounts of Tylanol that will eat your liver “Over Time”. But hell ya got em, Enjoy em!