any good remedies for...

a toothache? I’ve been battling the worst toothache for the last month or so, thinking I had a cavity. At first it was only hurting after I had sweets, and was sensitive to cold. Last Sunday was the worst and my whole right side hurt, my eye hurt, it hurt to talk and I had a temple headache. Bayer and orajel have been my best friend. So I go to the dentist today and here its my top right wisdom tooth, he said in order for the pain to stop, its got to come out. So I call an oral surgeon and I have an appt for Monday (a week from today) and thats just for a consultation. I told them I am in alot of pain, and all 4 have to come out, but if I can only get the one out I will do it, if it can be done sooner. So the dentist gave me vicodin, which I have a pretty good supply of now between last years surgery, last months back incident in OC, and now. But it doesnt do much for me. I cant eat bc every time i swallow, I just get this sharp shooting pain. Any suggestions for relief? Im thinking a bottle of whiskey.

a dentist


true story

I thought that you went to the dentist today?? What did he say?

reading> ninjenn

jenn…much freakin pain. vicodin does nothing but make me itch and throw up.

I hardly think sensodyne is going to work being that its a bad tooth. but thanks shaggy, you always give the best advice :doh:

the pain is caused by infection getting to the nerve. If you don’t get it pulled/filling/root canal it will cause a bone or nerve infection. Have Fun!

he said its not swollen or anything yet…but he did make it apparent that it needs to come out soon. I dont mind getting a shot of novacain but i hate rubber gloves, and i hate the sounds. the thought of a root canal or getting my teeth pulled makes me wanna gag. though as much pain as im in, i dont care what happens, as long as the pain goes away.

heres what i originally had :bj:

haha. was told not to suck too hard on anything…

I feel for ya. I had one that was so bad i thought i was going to kill myself.

Percocet and a six pack. You won’t give a fuck about anything. Get your dentist to give you a script for Percocet…you need something like that to function…then at night you can “get mellow”. I had some surgery a few years ago, i won’t get into the details, but the recovery was exxcruiciating(i had to have a large open wound packed with guaze twice a day):ugh: , and martial arts centering only went so far…percs and beer took care of the rest…:beer: :beer:

Percocet and a six pack. You won’t give a fuck about anything. Get your dentist to give you a script for Percocet…you need something like that to function…then at night you can “get mellow”. I had some surgery a few years ago, i won’t get into the details, but the recovery was exxcruiciating(i had to have a large open wound packed with guaze twice a day):ugh: , and martial arts centering only went so far…percs and beer took care of the rest…:beer: :beer:

i think i already know your details. and if its what i think…been there and its painful as hell!!! the dentist wouldnt give me perks, said all he could perscribe was vicoden es (xtra strength) it seems to be okay for now. i took it at 5 but its starting to wear off as we speak.

Call the Dentistry in the yellow pages. If you pay $60 more, they will give you nitrous for a slight sedation…its awesome.

the best remedy is a clean car

last time I saw it, it was filthy!!! :stuck_out_tongue:

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
yeah its pretty filthy. im thinking about selling it. :eek3:

:doh: drunken reading < sober reading

I feel for ya…right now ( as it has been for the past month ) my wisdom really teeth started to bother me. ( swollen and sensitive ) Funny thing is they are practically through and when I was 18 they said that there was NO NEED to take em out cause I had lots of room for em. ANYWAY I have been chewing food for the past month on the right side of my mouth. I finally have an appointment on Thurs., they better take these suckers out!!!

Good luck with yours!

thank you!!! good luck with yours too! when i was 18 my xrays didnt show any. then a few years later they came thru. they are all the way in but the one thats giving me trouble, i chipped about a year ago, so its been downhill since then.