kidney stones

Who has had them and how the hell did you get rid of them?

There telling me mine are small enogh to pass, just drink a gallon of water a day. Well the second day into it, it hurts even worse today, is this normal?

I have not had any… but I do know a few friends that have, they all said its the worst pain they ever had in life…

have fun… I pray I never get em!

Kidney stones suck. Drinking a lot a water can help flush them/keep them from developing.

I’ve had a number of them. If they are truly small enough to pass, it just really hurts until they drop into the bladder (been there done that). If they get hung up between the kidney and the bladder (lots of recurring pains) they generally can be trated by either a. ultrasonic blasting followed by passing little bits or b. going in (yes there is only one way into that area that does not involve cutting) and destroying/removing the large portions and then passing any further debris.

Both methods typically will be done while under anesthesia.

The ultrasonic is a breeze with little to no pains afterward as long as they are somewhere that can be targeted.

The other method is not fun for a few days afterward. Not fun at all.

I can attest to all these from first hand experience.

Also, as an interesting thing to note, I have talked to several women, mostly nurses, that have had kidney stones at some point and have given birth at some point in their lives. Every one of them said the kidney stones were the worse pain, hands down.

The other method

i’ve had a couple as well…drink lots of fluids so you can work on passing it…but ya there really painfully…when i had them it didnt matter what position i sat or laid in i couldn’t get comfortable

A friend of mine had them, and were supposed to be small enough to pass. He was prescribed vicodin to help with the pain of passing them.

Two women have told me this also.

I had trouble walking the pain got so intense with my first stone. At that point I had my wife take me to the E.R. and nothing in my life has ever felt so good as the morphine injection the nurse gave me.

Drinking lots of water will help flush the stone, but the pain will increase until you pass the stone because the fluid is backing up behind the stone. If you get sick of water lemonade is good too.

Everything Hycomp said is accurate.

Good luck-- I feel for you.

My buddy had them a few years ago. He tried walking to the bathroom in the middle of the night, but collapsed about five feet from his bed. His parents found him laying on the floor and rushed him to the hospital. Poor guy couldn’t move for two days. Said he wished he was dead.

Hopefully you have some pain killers.

Ive had them 3 times …my uncle has also had them …said you can tell when they are coming cause your nuts will hurt …Drink alot of Water …dont drink anything with caffeine in it …Mine was small enough to pass on its own and I guess it did …But the pain was the worst pain I have ever felt in my life

Sounds like you all have felt and seen the same things as I. My started as stomach pain that moved into my back. Cant find a way to lay or sit that feels good, and walking I look like a 80 year old man without his walker. For the pain killers, the er told me to take motrin, hell that barly works for a headache. Going to the doc this afternoon, maybe he will give me something a litte better. I gotta say, I have broke some bones, had some surgeries, had back problems, I can only think of one thing that hurt worse.

What ER was that? (so I can avoid it)

Three different ER’s have hooked me up with Morphine while there and a side of Vicodin for the road (with refills).

What might that have been?

i love it when Dr’s say to take motrin for pain for stuff like that…after my wreck i was still havin tons pain since i broke 2 bones at the knee cap, he told me to take motrin…i was like WTF is that gonna do

Connellsville, highlands hospitial.

Went to the dr today. found out I have three stones, one in the left, one in the right, and one stuck in the right tube. So it looks like I gotta go have them removed.

After telling my doc that they told me to take motrin, he asked “Who the hell was that idiot?” He said that SOB must have never had a stone…:doh:

I have never had them, but know a few people that have had them … they say its horrible
Good luck man!

That’s the truth. Hope you get rid of those stones soon.

Is the doc gonna have your kidney’s x-rayed? I ask because it’s a good idea so that the docs can see if there are any more stones inside your kidneys.

I suggest finding a good urologist too if you don’t already have one.


Skipped the x-ray for a ct scan. Thats when they found one in each kidney, and the one stuck in the right tube. Still waiting on the urologist to call me to schedule an appointment.

Are they going to laser blast them? … Or do they have to go in?

I have been told going in, but not sure yet.

ahh that sucks … good luck man!

I’ve had a few over the years and suspect one might be working it’s way out of my kidney. I had to pass all 3 of them the old fashioned way. They loaded me up on meds and said to drink tons of cranberry juice and water. The best feeling in the world is when the stone falls into the bladder. It is an instant relief that rivals an orgasm. I recall vividly that feeling of relief as I was peeing, then a second later my stream stopped, then TINK! It hit the porcelain and I was instantly better. But then I had to fish it out so the Dr. could examine it…

Good luck, hopefully the Drs can find an easy way to fix you up. I went to the Beaver Medical center and they are jokes. They mis-diagnosed me many times and haven’t had a stone since I started going to Presby.