kidney stones

I’ve heard horror stories before as well, it sounds like an awful ordeal. Hope it goes as smoothly as possible for you hoss.

The advice the doc gave me to prevent them (in addition to drinking plenty of water)was that grapefruit juice is good for helping to prevent them. He said that he doesn’t like grapefruit juice at all, but I don’t mind it, so I’ve been a big fan of it ever since.

Lemonade and cranberry juice too.

I’ve heard that, but didn’t list them because most of those products have more sugar than juice in them. Grapefruit is more often real juice maybe 50% of the time. With Lemonade or Cranberry you really have to hunt to find ones that are “healthy”.

Sorry, I should have been more clear. What I meant to say is after you’ve passed these stones, it’s a good idea to have your kidneys x-rayed once a year to see if any more stones are forming.

I wish you the best getting rid of your stones.

What does cause them? :dunno:

The type of stone I had, taken from wikipedia:

i also have other shit wrong with me, but most likely not directly connected with my kidneys.

I am pretty sure it is :bj: and swallowing

or it could be this too…but I am pretty sure the above is right

Font SizeA A A Kidney Stones - Cause
Kidney stones may form when the normal balance of water, salts, minerals, and other substances found in urine changes. How this balance changes determines the type of kidney stone you have. Most kidney stones are calcium-type-they form when the calcium levels in your urine change.

Factors that change your urine balance include:

Not drinking enough water. Try to drink enough water to keep your urine clear (about 8 to 10 glasses of water a day). When you don’t drink enough water, the salts, minerals, and other substances in the urine can stick together and form a stone. This is the most common cause of kidney stones.
Medical conditions. Many medical conditions can affect the normal balance and cause stones to form. Gout is one example. Also, people who have inflammatory bowel disease or who have had surgery on their intestines may not absorb fat from their intestines in a normal way. This changes the way the intestines process calcium and other minerals, and it may lead to kidney stones.
More commonly, kidney stones can run in families, as they often occur in family members over several generations.

In rare cases, a person forms kidney stones because the parathyroid glands produce too much of a hormone, which leads to higher calcium levels and possibly calcium kidney stones

I had them on/off for about a week, 10 years ago…worst pain I ever felt. I was in/out of the emergency room a few times that week. They would keep me waiting (hoping I would pass them), for an hour or so until I got pissed off & left because the pain went away.

They ended up going in & pulverized (sp?) them & put a stent in. They go thru the head of your prick. It sucks, but the pain was gone very quickly after that. I think they kept me overnight for 2 nights.

I do not wish Kidney Stones on anyone…

They are one of my worse fears…

Well met the doc yesterday, he says we are going to wait a week and see if they pass, then it’s in after them.

I wonder what I ever did to piss him off. LOL

Wow … Just hope they pass! Drink Drink Drink!!