Mom went for surgery today..........

Well she went to go get her gulbladder taken out big deal right? Wwell after waiting like 4-5 hours she was finnally done and the doc comes out and tells me that it was very very infected. We went there thinking that this is no big deal and were going to be out later today…well my mom let it go for about two years and appearently it got worse. She got it takin out and it was very infected and stuck to other things? It came out alright but she enede up having to stay the night there and she hates it! He out alot of antibiotics in her stomach to hopefully kill the infection if any. Wwell she is at West Jefferson right now and hopefully coming home tomorrow,i will be there in the morning and am just upset…i hate to see her go through this shit u know,she has been through breast cancer,skin cancer 3 times and malignant meanoma as well so she is a soldier but she is now 64 and everything worries me about her. So i will be back in the morning and hopefully she can come home…i just feel soooooooooooooo bad because i can,t do anything for her and she said today that she hid the pain for twoi years becasue she didn’t wnat me to know at all. This sucks…sorry…just ranting a lil bit!

you dont have to apologize for anything its your mom

hope she is better tomo

Hope she is better… sorry to hear…

I wish the best for you and her. My parents are both getting older and Im preparing myself for their future health problems. So I can relate with you. Goodluck and try to get a decent sleep.

i hope everything clears out, vent all you want man.

Thanks guys…i won’t know anything till tomorrow though…

that is rough man keep your head up and she will be fine. she is in a pretty good hospital it will be fine

Sorry about that man best wishes to yor mom she’ll pull through I’m sure of it

goodluck on everything Sleeper. Best wishes to your mom.

She’ll be fine!!!

I wish her the best.

Good luck, hope she is feeling better soon. Sounds like she will be fine though, that is a common surgery and she is obviously a strong woman. :grouphug:

Thanks…i gotta go back today becasue she yet again has to stay aother night due to infection. She had staff infection years ago and they don’t want her to get it again

Well, at least they are being cautious. I’m sure you would rather have her spend a few extra days in the hospital rather than coming home too soon and spreading a nasty infection. Best wishes.

How’s mom doin Devin?

Not good today…she was once again supposed to get out today but she woke up very ill and has to stay another night. I am off to seee her again in a lil bit.

Let us know how she’s doing, and I hope everything turns out okay.