9:15 AM,could be bad for my mum.......

Wwell at 9:15 she has to go to the docs to see if she has cancer agian n i will be taking her,i am soo stresssed out n so is she,i just pray to god she is going to be alright,but it is not looking good. I am going nutz thinking about it,n if she does have cancer again i will go fucking nutz! Just venting n now u know y i am in a bad mood!

Good luck to you n ur mom :slight_smile: i’ll be prayin for ya :slight_smile:

tank u very much,that means alot to me

I lost my father in June due to cancer, I know how you feel and all i can say is stay strong and be there for your mother and do whatever she ask. Well best of luck…

Sorry you have to go through this. I hope everything turns out ok. Keep us posted :grouphug:

you know whats fucked up, you shti talk on my dead mother that passed on from cancer but now you want ppl to feel sorry for yours?

hopefully your mom pulls thru, its harsh

I iddn’t know that man,even though i am not to fond of u,sorry,i had no clue man…

I hope your Mom is alright.

That being said, I think requesting prayer for a problem is great, but given your sig, it’s a little hypocritical.

think positive devin!!! it’s what will help you through it

hope all goes well

I hope she is ok dude… my dad had prostate cancer about 4 years ago, he got surgery and everything is gone. I get stressed every time he has to go and get his PSA done…

Well,we went to the docs this morning n the wait was long,very long… Doc came in n after numerous test run over n over agian he told her that she was good,now not out of the clear tottaly but she has to go back in 6 months for another CT to just make sure. That is a huge worry takin off of my mind now as well as hers,thank u for all ur kind words n consideration guys n girls! So after 2 months of wating n numerous times she has cancer b4 hand this time it is likely that is not going to be a factor with her. Thank god!

awesome news man…good to hear

Glad everything is stablized.

you 2 are in my prayers man. gimme a call if you want to chill later and vent

glad to hear she’s recovering well!!

Glad to hear some good news man!
Your mom is one of the nicest people I’ve ever met, plus she’s nuts like my mom!

I only met her once, but she was so sweet and made you feel “at home”

Glad you both received good news today!

Thank u all! SHe is a great person n the kind that would do things for others b4 herself as well do anything n evrything for anybody. I am lucky to have somone like her! She put up with alot of shit with me in the past n i mean alooooooooooooot n i owe it to her to do what it takes to be a good son n help her out with whatever n be there for her. Thanks guys n girls,it has been a rough 25 years for me as well as her…