my dad has cancer

well, couple weeks ago my dad foudn out from the doctor he has colon cancer. they said they should just be able to take out the tumor(since it seems to be all containted) and that will be the end of it. i hope so. tomorrow he’s gettin the surgery done and then he’ll have to be in the hospital for a week, then off work for at least 2 they said. im just nervous for him. nothing ever has really happend to my dad, he said this is the first time he’s ever had any surgery too. i duno, im just a little worried/nervous about the whole situation even though the doctors say everything is goin to be fine.

dont worry man, hopefully everyting will go as planed, and everything will be fine, you and your dad and family are in my prayers!!!


best of luck man

best of luck, hope it works out. my dad is going through the same thing so i know how ya feel

sorry to hear. im sure he’ll pull through and be ok!

best of luck man

i have stomach problems and i’ve been told that colon cancer is one of the easier ones to catch and get rid of if done early enough. i’m sure your dad will be fine :bigthumb:


my dad also had colon cancer about 2 years ago, he had surgery and then had to have radiation treatments for a few weeks. but he is fine now, he gets checked every couple of months. but im sure all will be fine with your dad as well. the surgery isnt that bad. he will be in pain for awhile, and wont beable to do much, but soon enough he will be good as new.

Sorry, good luck to your Dad.

I wish him the best man.

you and your family are in my thoughts and prayers.

ive been through this with my mom. cancer istn anygood. but he will pull through

I can sympathize my dad has been fighting cancer for the last 3 years he has large cell lymphoma so I sympathize with ya

Don,t be worried my man,that is a basically rick free surgery and if it is contained then it will be ok. My mom has gone through cancer 3 times so i should know,i ma very supseptable to cancer myself with the genes i have. Ur old man will prob be more scared because it is his first mojor visit to the surgoen/hospital than of the opporation itself. Hang in there…

Ya if its just in the colon and they get to it… He will be fine. Doctors today can do some amazing things… Keep your head up for your DAD…

My dad went through the same thing about 2 years ago. Had a bunch of complications, and still made a full recovery. His biggest dissapointment was that he had to miss Hershey and Fall Carlisle. Nowadays he’s helping my mom through her cancer and lecturing me about going for a colonoscopy (sp?).

Hope everything goes well

thanks everyone, he had the surgery real early this morning. hes recovering well in his room now.