So, dad may have Pancreatic Cancer...

My father has been in and out of the doctor’s office for the past two weeks for some issues, but never told my family minus my mom what it was. Today my sister, brother, and I find out he may have Pancreatic Cancer, and the survival rate it well below 5%. I’m at a total loss of words. It hasn’t relly sunk in yet I may loose someone close in my life. Has anyone ever gone through this? I don’t even know what the fuck to do/say.

Ah man … Im honestly sorry to hear that. I lost both my paps to cancer (1-Colon 2-Pancreatic) … Its tough man …

I wish the best for your father, and for your family

(sorry if this is short … but Im always at a loss at what to say to someone when news like the arrives)

wow…i’m sorry to hear…my prayers are with u and ur family

I am really sorry…i hope the best for you and your family

Sorry to hear that . I lost my Mom to cancer 8 years ago . If you need to shoot the breeze feel free to PM me and we can hook up . Even though you don’t know me sometimes it helps .

x2 … The same offer goes for me as well man

wow thats terrible man. i can’t say i have had to go anything like that. my dad had colon cancer a couple years ago and that was real scary. when you say he may have pancreatic cancer, how hopeful are they that he doesnt?

I can tell you that my dad had cancer when I was in 7th grade. They told him he had 6 months to live and he is still with us now. We prayed a LOT and he was very positive. I would suggest the same and I will keep him in my prayers

i’m sorry to hear that man, my grandmother had pancreatic(sp) cancer last year and had the surgery to remove the cancer and she is doing fine. just have faith, if you believe, miracles can and will happen.

damn… Sorry to here that. Think positive and be strong. If you need anything at all don’t hesitate to ask.

wow sorry to hear hope for the best

I lost my father due to cancer about a year and half ago. I know how you feel! Try to think positive!

Sorry to hear that Sean.

wow. very sorry to hear.
i lost an aunt to this a few months ago. it seems to be a very dangerous type of cancer, as it can spread from there very quickly.
UPMC has an incredible pancreatic cancer research center… i dated a girl who works there. she only does paper work, but she was able to get my aunt in with the doctors there and fast track some of the paper work crap… when i get in to the office tomorrow. i will PM you her contact info. she may be able to help you out. it would atleast be worth a phone call.

best of luck.

Sorry to hear, man. I hope he gets better.

Sorry to hear bro… prayers are with you. My dads cousin died from pancreatic cancer… they say its a really aggressive cancer.

Sorry to hear that Sean. My grandfather died of lung cancer so I kind of know what it’s like. My thoughts and prayers are with you.

wow sorry to hear that. hope everything works out

Sorry to hear this. Cancer is such a bitch. It took my Father 4.5 years ago.

Good luck to your Father and let’s hope things work out ok. Keep the faith!