So, dad may have Pancreatic Cancer...

Sorry to hear

Sorry, man. My dad died Sept 3, 1997 from Leukemia and my mom died 17 days later from lung cancer. I know how you must feel.

sucks. Hope it all works out for the best.

Sorry to hear. It took my Gram at the end of January, too.

Quick, and, I’m sad to say, painful.

My best to your dad.

aww, im so sorry to hear that. my grandpa died of pancreatic cancer…it was not easy to watch. prayers for you and your family!

Pancreatic cancer took my grandmother from me long before I ever got to meet her. On another note, an old coworker has been fighting it for over 2 years and is still living her daily life as close to normal as can be. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.

Well, some good news, he was able to get an appointment with a local specialist, and apparently it’s been caught early enough to be treatable from what I’ve been told. He has another doctor’s appointment today to find out more on it.

That’s good news.

It may sound corny, but prayer is very important.

My brother in law (31) had a stroke and several bleeders in brain about three weeks ago. He was in good shape, soccer/basketball player no health issues then BAM!

His sister lives in CA, she set up some kind of prayer blog online. It was amazing to read. As he rehabs and learns to walk and talk again, he reads that thing several times a day.

He should have died, everyone prayed for him. He ended up at Boston General with a bunch of brain surgeons and long story short he’ll be back to work in two months!!!

Prayer and following Dr’s orders, your dad is in my prayers.

Sorry to hear that Sean. Carie just lost her dad February 2nd of this year. He battled lung cancer for 13 or 14 years when they only gave him 5 years initally. His developed form agent orange in vietnam.

If you need anything give me a call. We’ll be thinking of you and your family.