please pray for my dad

I just got a phone call from my older sister, my dad had to go in for some tests and has to go into emergancy surgery for a very bad blockage in the artery in his neck. Please keep him in your prayers. :frowning:

sorry to hear man best of luck

Best of luck…

Will do. Good luck.

ugh sorry to hear man, hope things work out for him.

Sorry man. We will hope for the best.

Not a praying man but I will hope for the best. My dad went in for that test also but came back negative. The surgery from what I’ve heard isn’t too invasive and shouldn’t really jeopardize his health. Best of luck.

Best of luck to your dad man.

best wishes jeg!

best of luck, my grandfather had his done a few years back. they actually do this surgery all the time

Best of luck to your dad. :fingerscrossed:

Best of luck.

Thanks everyone. He’s having the surgery this morning. Its nerve wrecking not knowing wtf is going on right now though. He has a 99% blockage of the right artery.

Sidenote: call it devine intervention, or an amazing coincidence, or just luck…but my dad fell and hit his head in an icy parking lot back in december. He was having really bad post concussion symptoms for a while, which is what led to them to doing the tests that made them discover the blockage. So if he didn’t take that spill, there would have been no way of knowing there was a problem and he would have died in the near future from a massive stroke. Just something to ponder…the whole “everything happens for a reason” deal.

Good to hear and just said one for him. Let him know he just got a 2nd chance at/on life 100% and to make the best of it!!!

Hope he recovers alright & quickly man, and wow to that story… that spill could have saved his life!

ya kinda scary how things work out sometimes. Hes doin ok. surgery went really well. i was there yesterday talking to him an stuff. hopefully he can come home soon. thank you for your concern everyone. Definately one scary ordeal.

Sorry to hear, hope the best for your dad man.

He came home this morning, little sore still but other than that hes doing great. thank you all for the concern and keeping us in your thoughts. :tup:


to a speedy recovery :tup: