Just got a call from my mom that The blood tests from My Gram are really bad, and she is going in for a bone test to roll out Bone Cancer.
If anyone on here knows me at all they know that My Gram is my life. I would be nothing without her…
I lost my Fathers mother last year to cancer…We did not get along much, barely seen her and I blame myself but now I miss her more than anything…
This last year SUCKS!!!
Please could you just pray for her. It is not possible to cure her…so please dont pray for that…
Im just asking that there be prayer for her pain. She is a woman that NEVER complains! And has not stopped crying for a week now…
Also…as a reminder, ALWAYS SAY I LOVE YOU!
thank you
I am not religious, but I hope for the best. I’m sorry she is in pain. I’m here if you need someone to talk to :grouphug:
thank you. im just sitting at work waiting for the phone call…
they dont know whats in her blood. they think its leukimia…which is what my other grandmother passed from.
im trying to be patient.
My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. Sad to hear. 
Sorry to hear about this. It’s never easy.
I’m really sorry to hear about this, I know this situation all too well-my gram has been on/off life support over the past year and its been filled with all kinds of ups and downs. I’ll keep you and your family in my thoughts and prayers. If you need anyone to talk to drop me a PM’, take care
she has acute leukemia. she is getting blood treatment today and will be on monitored at the hosp for the rest of the week until the final tests come thru hopefully friday.
she is refusing treatment…
i am without words right now.
thank you.
OMG this is a classic AW thread if ive ever seen one! i realize your sad and everything but making a ps thread about it isnt going to make anything better. im sorry if this makes me an asshole but i have no respect for sympathy whores! you must not really hate making these threads casue you do it all the tiem!
do yourself a favor and stick your head up your ass…
do YOURSELF a favor and quite making sympathy threads… it just shows that all you care about is the attention b/c i posted up and no sooner than 1 minute later you responded…thus proving that you just sit there hitting new post until you see someone has replied to your whorish ass thread! so to you mad’am i say diaf! and quite whoring up this precious forum everytime something goes wrong in life!