Hospitals suck

seriously… i swear to god me and all my friends are taking turns at st clair…

I was in there for 16 days due to fuck ups during surgery and now my best friend is in there with a whole body infection… they took his apendix out and now there are problems with his intestines and their thinking if his white blood cell count doesnt come down by tomorrow night that their going to have to cut out some of it and he’ll have to live with a bag for a few months.

aagggh! do yourselve’s a favor and go to mercy for your medical needs.

Can i play with your blood.

tat happened to my sister when she was like 7 or 8 years old. she had her appendix out, then her intestines collapsed and they had to hurry and cut back into her stomach and fix it.

I just got out of the hospital yesterday, which is why i was gone for a little, for pneumonia/body infection and high blood count. i hat staying in hospitals over night

Everyone knows St. Clair is pretty much the worst hospital in the area. I wouldn’t go there at ALL

Mercy Sucks ! !

he was fine on saturday, I welded up a new exhaust for him and fixed a rear spring ( fucking retards at protire put one lowering spring on upside down…)

sunday morning hit and he calls askin for help. his pain was lower center stomach and he couldnt bend over or stand up straight. i asked him to rate his pain 1-10 and he said 8-9. I wanted to take him to the ER then cuz I thought it was a hernia, but his wife wanted him to go to medi help first since their insurance covered it and the copay for the hospital was like $1xx.00 ( thats understandable) . medi help just said he had an infection / white blood cells were up and down and sent him on his way with antibiodics and shit.

next day i got a call from his wife that they went back to medi help and they told him to go straight to the ER cuz they thought it was his apendix.
sat sat sat in the ER for hours on end and then they cancelled a CT and took him straight into surgery. they found out that it wasnt his apendix but his intestines were inflammed and pressing against his apendix so they took it out anyways. he’s been “feeling” better and better by the day but his white blood cells havent been stable. Now he’s worried and starting to lose it getting all depressed that he’ll have to have surgery again and have to live on a bag for a couple months so they say…
and I know in the back of his head that he’s in fear of what happened to me with my surgery. he’s probably afraid that what happened to me will happen to him…

I told him not to dwell on what they told him and just start today as a new day, to tell himself he is fine and WILL get better and he will be fine and wont have to have surgery.

I pray to god he doesnt have surgery on monday…

Oh man. Best of luck to you guys. My ankle got infected as well. My dad last year almost lost his leg to infection aswell and he was life flighted to mercy.

It seems like anymore its not the surgery that get you its the infection.

i’ll be going to presby where i at least know some of the dr’s there.

Cleveland Clinic FTW!

As someone who is in the O.R. daily at all hospitals from Buffalo to WV, I’ve got some insight and opinions on the surgeons and O.R. staffs at various hospitals. Someone has to graduate last from medical school is all I’m saying, and I have my list of “Do not ever let this moron touch me” surgeons if I’m ever incapable of deciding on my own.
I won’t air opinions in a public forum, but there are good and bad at every hospital in every specialty.
Lumping any one hospital as a whole in either the good or bad category isn’t really being realistic IMHO.

being healthy FTMFW

my dad drives a truck and slipped off the side in the rain and grabbed on to the side of the truck and he knew he got hurt and was in and out of the hospital 2-3 times all at st.clair for days at a time with severe stomach pains and they kept telling him sir we dont know what else to do for you theres nothing wrong with you.He went to mercy and they found out that he had ripped his stomach lining open and all of his intestines and everything else was pushing through he has had 3 surguries and is still on workmans comp 9 months later going to surgeons and pain clinics but nothing was wrong

now they are saying that his white blood cell count has been up and down because his wife and 1year old son has been sick and been coming to see him.

docs say they may not have to do the surgery now. but who the fuck knows… their “opinions” have been good and bad all week…

My wife’s appendix was just about to blow up and the morons at Jefferson hospital took almost 3 days to figure it out. It took me throwing a doctor against the wall and threatning his life to get them to look past her gall bladder, which they thought was the culprit.

I hate doctors. I need to be in very bad shape to go see one.

John Q style?

it was just after our first son was born and they were doing these tests on her gall bladder. They said she could no longer breastfeed (because of the stuff she had to take) and that the numerous x-rays could possibly make it difficult to have another baby. She got real upset and said she did not want the tests. The doctor threw his chart down and said something like “fine, you can just stay here in pain until you let us do our job” in a real asshole sort of way. So I followed him out into the hallway and all but beat the shit out of him for being an asshole to my wife.

I would have done the same thing, but im surprised you didn’t get escorted out of there by the good ol Jefferson PD and charges filed against you.

I agree with the sentiment that you cannot label an entire hospital facility based on on physician/case.

The public in general has a very simplistic view of how healthcare and its application works. Patients come in every day and whole-heartedly believe that all it takes is one quick interview with a doctor and BAM you’re out the door with the cure. NO FUCKING WAY does that actually occur in real life. Medicine is very complicated and very subtle at times, test can be inconclusive, symptoms can be misleading, complications are around every single corner. A doctors job is tough enough, and biology is far tougher. No two cases are identical, no treatment is a be-all end-all. The last thing a physician needs to further complicate a difficult and precarious situation is a patient with a fucking god complex and no patience.

I was prepared for that to happen.

The doctor came in a few hours later and apologized for acting like that to my wife, we shook hands, and all was well.

bedside manners. As a doctor, you need to be able to sooth a patient who is going thru a very rough time.

The last thing a patient in pain needs is a doctor with a god complex and no patience.