So I thought I pulled a muscle in my leg...

One day like 2 weeks ago I woke up with what I thought was a charlie horse in my left calf. No biggy I thought. I’ll walk it off like usual. Well a few days of increasing pain led me to the emergency room. They were busy so they wanted to get me in and out. The ER nurse read my file and saw I have had a blood clot in my lungs a few years back. They did a dopler test, which is basically a sonogram. It came back negative and they sent me on my way with some vicodin and that was that.

Jump ahead 5 days of hobbling around like a gimp with no improvement… Actually around this time my leg started hurting signifigantly worse and I noticed a good bit of swelling too. So I went back to the ER because it was to the point where I couldn’t stand it anymore. I really hate hospitals and doctors so for me to go twice in a week something is really wrong. This time I had a temp of 102 so they didn’t send me to fast-track. They did blood work, x-rays, and another dopler test.

Results: blood clot in my leg.

So i’ve been here since Monday being treated with heparin, cumadin, and vicodin. They tell me the earlist I can go home will be Friday. I’ll also be on blood thinners for the rest of life to prevent them from happening again. GGRREEEAAATT… And this dumb ass hospital doesn’t even have internet access for me to use. I have to use my phone with the slow dialup cellular connection.

Now I just play the waiting game until this clot disolves…

get well soon

Get well, then sue their stupid asses for making you suffer for 5 days with the pain.

damn…hope it goes away soon. get well

holy crap! I hope you get better!

Ah John, thats terrible to hear bro! My mom went through some similar things with blood clots and the such, she wasn’t on Coumadin though, she was on Plavix, so I wouldn’t be suprised if you end up on that when you get out.

Glad you are okay man, that thing coulda broken look, got stuck in your lung or heart and killed you, so things could be alot worse!

that sucks man…

Get well soon…

wow, get well soon john

hope alls well man! get better!!

john… get well soon man… that’s beat. let me know when you’re home and chillaxin…hospitals are ridiculous which one are you at? blood clots are no joke, so it’s nice to hear it’s taken care of…

take it easy man!!!

get well soon

Get well soon!

If I were you i’d be thankful it didn’t make its way to my head. A girl I went to school with died from a blood clot that formed when she broke her leg, they removed the cast and it traveled to her brain, she died before they could make it to the hospital.


My uncle was in the hospital for a few months and was really close to dying because of a blood clot in his leg.

good luck

:frowning: get better man!

get well soon