My luck never quits *rant*

I am sooo fucking pissed. I was getting off a tractor at work yesterday and it was raining and I slipped when I was getting off. My pant leg got caught on a bolt and I wrenched my knee when I landed. It was rather stiff and hurt but I was like eh fuck it itl be ok. So I want on with my day and thaught nothing of it…it was just somewhat irritating but nothing to be too concerned about. fast forward to this afternoon… I was working on my car today finishing up some shit, gettin ready to go to lancaster, and my knee gives out. I stand up and I can barly put weight on it. So I’m like wtf. I finish my car, go shower and ice my knee. Go to get up from the couch and I like fall right over. So I drive into the ER because by now my leg is throbbing like crazy. Turns out I sprained my knee. :wtf:!!! The Dr said I messed it up and it finally just gave. So now I have to make an appointment to see if I tore some tendons in my knee. Hmmm…I think my family was cursed by gypsies or something. Seriously…I really do.

wussy…slap a brace on it and go.

See my broken knee thread for reference

I got one of them braces on it that goes from my mid thigh to my ancle. it blows asshole. I was going to go but I didnt get back till 9 and didnt know what time it went till.

thats what i stuck mine in for 4 days and I was good to go after the swelling went down.


yeah the Doc gave me a note off of work will the 1st. Hopefully it will feel better by then. Especially since the 1st is my bday lol. I dont wanna spend it sittin around doin nothing like my last one. (my last bday was a few days after I had my shoulder reconstructed).

big paragraphs are fun

mine gave out off and on for a year and a half…finally went to an ortho surgeon, torn ACL and meniscus. getting carved up august 13th.

See if you can fully extend your leg and get your knee to pop back in when it gives out.

Real men, just get a peg leg instead. Shitty though.

Real men, don’t wear pants.

Seriously though, sucks to hear. Hope you didn’t seriously eff anything up.

Yeah I gotta make an appointment with a knee specialist to make sure I didnt tear anything. I hope to god I didn’t and it is only a sprain. I DO NOT want to go through knee surgery. The shoulder was bad…but at least I could walk lol. Besides…knee surgery = no sex for like a month…I dont think I can go that long. Shit I can’t do it for like a week now and thats gonna be tough lol. FUCKERSSSSS!!! At least the tabs are makin me feel pretty fuckin good right now lol.

Unless you are implying she is terrible… put the bitch on top and have her ride ya.

Yeah srsly, you can’t come up with a single enjoyable position that doesn’t involve being on a bad knee? :sad:

not right now. if she rides on tip it will hyperextend my knee. I cant straighten it all the way :tdown: Oh well. Looks like BJs for a while lol.

HAHAHA sounds like you got yourself one


good god, did she stuff a midget in her pants or what?!!? talk about a fucking fupa, i could live for days inside that fucking valley.

thats just wrong. and no I dont have “a” bitch…the phraise is betches. Fuck buddys 4L

imho, you are suffering from a lack of imagination

seriously its time to do society a favor end urself

his woman is probably just terrible at sex, or doesn’t like experimenting…