my knee is broken

well not broken but last nite I did some damage and reaggrivated an old war injury.

Its all swollen and any time I put pressure on it it gives out so I am icing it and keeping it elevated.

Any other suggestions? And don’t say Dr. because I dont trust them.

And I am on my 8th advil of the day so far but it only makes me feel like it doesnt hur then I forget it doesnt bend and I cant walk…


you don’t trust a dr, but you trust nyspeed.


NYSpeed hasnt permanently crippled my grandmother :tup:

You don’t trust doctors, but will trust the advice of a car forum on your injured knee.

Good plan. :slight_smile:

My advise, buy a set of crutches because after the CAI/fartcan crowd gets done working on your knee you’re going to need them.


NYSpeed hasnt permanently crippled my grandmother


To be fair though, NYSPEED hasn’t worked on your grandmother either.

If advil isn’t working try other nonsteroidal anti-inflammatories. If that doesn’t work either, go to a Dr.


Read above…I just know alot of you guys play sports and I am sure have dealt with sprains and twists so I thought it was a fair question.

I am not asking for anyone with a steak knife and some pliers to perform knee replacement surgery so… yeah!

Well I guess you could say I know a thing or two about knee injuries. I had broken pieces of cartilege surgically removed in March 1997, then May 1997, then May 1998. Now my knee makes this cool grinding noise when I bend it. Fucking soccer. :headbang:

Is the swelling squishy? Like if you poke one side does the other side poke out?

I recently tore/sprained the crap out of my knee…icing helped a bit, but what really helped me was heat. I think I had some fluid built up in my knee and opening the vessels with some heat really relieved pain and pressure…

you prolly don’t wear your seatbelt b/c you know, in like .04% of accidents, it could hurt you. So it obv doesn’t make sense whatsoever to wear one.


I am not asking for anyone with a steak knife and some pliers to perform knee replacement surgery so… yeah!


Damn. I was going to have Lafengas make a CF kneecap, then head over to Hybrid to see if they could fab up a turbo pipe to fit to your anus. Want more boost? Eat more beans. Faster+lighter must be better for your knee right?

:picard: Don’t put heat on it.

actually I buckle up everytime I get in the car thank you very much.

Thanks for the positive contributors…Should I ice then heat then ice?

Or just switch to a heat only?

Squishy all around the cap top and bottom but more tender squishy then mobile squishy

suck it up

What do you mean by pressure causing it to give out?

Do you mean that it is unstable?

i can use it to walk but if i dominate my weight to that side I will fall over and lose my balance so I can gingerly put weight on it for about 1 second as I take a step


suck it up


I did that yesterday and finished the game and hopped my way to finish 3-4 with 2 RBIs…today…it doesnt want to even semi cooperate

Start reading there for a start. There is no “do this and it will feel better”. You (or better yet a doctor) need to determine what is causing the pain. Fluid buildup, tear, cartilidge issue, previous injury etc etc. Then you can better deterimine a treatment.

Or, since this is a car forum, it’s like me saying my car is running rough. Just because new plugs fixed OfficerK’s car doesn’t mean it will fix mine. I might have a fuel issue.

Honestly though, you really might want to go to a doctor, it could be more serious than a simple strain and may require real medical attention.
