So, I got bit by a spider. WARNING< GRAPHIC PICS INSIDE

So last sunday I was just lounging around and I happened to notice what felt like a bruise. It was just above my knee on the back of my left leg. It was hot to the touch, not itchy, didn’t hurt. Here is what it looked like that day.
My aunt is a PA in the ER of just about every local hospital. So I ran over to her house that day and she wrote me a script for an antibiotic. The Next day, monday, I woke up and it was looking worse and had become rather painful. So I went to work, showed them and went to my aunts again to show her. She then wrote me another script for a second antibiotic. This is what it looked like on monday day 2.
Tuesday morning(day 3) I woke up and was in agonizing pain. I could barely walk. I went directly to the ER. The Doc gave me a script for the pain and told me to keep taking the other 2 antibiotics. They also drew a circle around it so we could tell if it kept spreading. At that time, the lighter red area measured 11cm in diameter while the inner dark red area measured 9 cm. Day 3 pic
Day 4, all fucked on pain meds, it was getting slightly worse. I just took it easy.
Day 5, I finally went back to work. I made it through the day. Granted I was way messed up from the meds, and I work on a printing press, which is a big no-no. But it was still getting worse. Later that evening, I had to go back to the ER. They tried to Admit me into the hospital, but I refused. The gave me an IV of a really strong antibiotic and did some bloodwork. My blood counts came back good and they released me. Here is what it was looking like around that time
Day 6, friday, My aunt got ahold of a surgeon friend of hers and told him what was going on. This man left the operating room in betwwen procedures to see me. He couldn’t believe his eyes when he saw it. He then proceded to cut the black area out of the center. So now I have a hole in my leg about 1/2" wide by 2"+ deep. He filled the hole with stuffing. The tissue inside is dying and getting into my muscle. SO today, sunday, I had to change the bandages and remove one inch of stuffing from the hole. This is what it looked like before removing the stuffing. The color appears to be quite a bit better.
Here is the hole and the thing next to my leg is what we pulled out today.
This is just a pic of the hole
Tuesday I have to return to the surgeon and possibly(hopefully not) get more cut out.
So, I guess the moral of the story is WATCH OUT FOR SPIDERS

Any idea what kind of spider did that?

+1 any idea what it was?
That’s fucking insane.

no clue. I didn’t feel anything. Everyone keeps saying it could be brown reclouse or something like that


Yeah, Brown Recluse’s are scary. I hate spiders

holy shit ,i had aspider bite opened up once but it never got that bad and the stuffin feels funny as hell dont it

jesus christ man, i hope that gets better. i wish you knew what the hell bit you & had a pic of it. that shit’s scary.

I don’t feel the stuffing, just mass amounts of pain

Thanks man. Me too. Funny thing is, the day before I was outside hacking a but and was burning a spiderweb. I guess he showed me

What really sucks is that I am out of work for god knows how long. And I messed up a dissability claim by going to work last thursday.

i didnt get the huge pain cause i knew what got me and when ,when it got nast "like 2 days later "is when i went in wait till the swellin goes down along wit the inf it hust feels wierd

WOW, that is fuked! I friggin HATE spiders. I always see one up in the one of my room…

Wow! Thats insane dident know we really ahd any spiders around here that can cause that kind of tissue damage…

From what ive read Brown Reluse are not indigenous to this area

more down south and out west…

doesnt mean there arnt a few around here thou…

Either way I fickin hate spiders, When i was changing ym clutch there was this black one with a white marking on its abdamon about an inch big… fucker scared this shitu outa me :rofl

And it appears from what ive read about brown recluse its possible the tissue damage may get a bit worse… I just saw a picture of half a dudes leg pretty much missing from a bite from one of those fuckers

but seriously dude I hope it gets better… cant imagine how painfull that is

yeah midwest/south some cases are known out in the pnw too, the “known region” of the brown recluse comes close to NY so there is a chance they are traveling

Another reason why I hate spiders with a passion

That is most likely MRSA
Clindomiacin and Bactrum Cocktail, unless the IV was Vank

Looks like your anti-biotics may have killed it because the cellulitious is fading.

See an infectious disease doc, get swabbed, etc. MRSA doesnt always just “go away”.

MRSA is bad new, my buddy got it in Japan, first reported case they had, put a big hole in his leg, had to get a skin graft.:ohnoes

jesus christ… I hate insects in general

Spiders are arachnids. But yeah that looks like a brown recluse bite. Its rare that they actually bite but when it happens it can be pretty gross. Just google image search “brown recluse bite”.

fuck this man, they aren’t supposed to be in NY. Someone tell them to GTFO.