What kind of spider is this?

I’m pretty sure it’s not a brown recluse because I can’t see a violin on the back but I’d feel a lot better if I could figured out what it was so I could be certain. It was about the size of a quarter, probably a little smaller.

in your house?

Unfortunately, yes. Bathroom floor.

I’d feel a lot better if I was squishing that little bastard under my boot!


It was squashed immediately after the picture was taken. If it is a brown recluse though I need to talk to an exterminator, even though this is the first spider I’ve seen in the house in over a year. Brown recluse bites can be real bad.


Looks close lol.


Seems unlikely… but possible.

Wow are all bites really that bad???

Read about them. If they go untreated yes they can get really terrible, and painful. It like makes the skin decay and it just keeps on going.

It’s not a Brown Recluse. I wouldn’t worry

i dont know why i continued to look at brown recluse bites…so gross

yeah dude, fuck those things. Thats why i smash all spiders and ask questions later. I guess they treat the bites with gunpowder.

haha i should take pics of all the spiders i find in/outside my house. i must have killed like 20 black widows the other night in the back yard with some brake parts cleaner and some matchs. fuckers are everywhere

The other day I killed the biggest spider I’ve ever seen in this area. I walked into the shed, saw it, and ran away like a little girl. It ran under the lawn mower, but I still sprayed him with some good bug killer. After I was convinced he was dead, I scooped him up and put him in a ziploc. 30 minutes later the legs started folding back out like he was coming alive:uhh: The whole bag went in a mason jar. Looked like that Brown recluse but darker, but I was told it was not. I still sprayed some chemicals in there and shut the door. Fuck spiders.

i found some hairy black spider with huge fangs and white stripes in different spots around its back. ive never seen one like this before so i saved it to try and find out what it is with no luck. seems like this year the spiders in buffalo are getting bigger and nastier.

Yes they can be, I had one bite the outside of my left ankle. If my last laptop hadn’t crashed I would post the pics. Just imagine what that thumb picture looked like only on my ankle lol kinda gross.

Two years later the skin is still tender and darkish in color.

i don’t like spiders.

at rally x a few years ago there were som monster golden orb spiders munching on some praying mantis. Its ass was the size of my thumb.

If you posted the pics up here I actually think I remember that on here before

my ex`s dads got bit by a brown recluse. It took them a while to figure out what was going on. They actually had to cut a chunk out of his leg and grow new skin over it. It was pretty nasty. And he lives in cheektowaga.