big ass spider in my sink!!!!!!!

:scared: :scared: :scared: :scared: :scared: :scared: :scared: :scared: :scared: :scared: :scared: :scared: :scared: :scared: :scared: :scared: :scared: :scared: :scared: :scared: :scared: :scared:

Someone come over and kill it!!! Mike won’t come home and do it, and it looks dangerous!

pussy :bowrofl:

so you took a picture of it? bottom of shoe+spider=:)

How am I supposed to get him?? He’s in the rounded edge of the sink! I’ll miss!

use an old magazine rolled up… or shoot it

Will someone else come over and kill it? :hs:

I wouldn’t have even known it was there, except I dumped a glass of water in the sink right on it’s head (do they have heads?!)

Anyone know if it’s dangerous??? If it’s poisonous I’m heading STRAIGHT upstairs and barricading myself in the bedroom! I’ll take the dog with me!

wash him downn the drain with some hot water

all spiders are poisonous

that would involve me reaching into the sink and removing the drain stop… FUCK NO. (not to mention he won’t fit anyways… he’s as big as a half dollar!)

spray some bleach on it or something that will kill it

I have Drain-O underneath the sink, think that will kill him instantly??? I don’t want him running away with drain-o all over him.

suck it up with the vacuum and put it outside till mike gets home and he can clean it out

You have any firearms in the house? 00 12GA does wonders on pesky spiders.

i would suggest a lighter and some hair spray, but i’ve heard some of your experiances , so that may be to dangerous. :kekegay:


jenn said that if she wasn’t scared she’d come kill it… i think you should take pictures of it to death…

OMG !!! Someone worse than me…

TIP ****** They are covered in hairs… spray hairspray on it and it can’t move… Then run straight hot water on it til it’s dead…

the only thing I have is spray gel…

:rofl: @ Eurodad… I think I’ll skip that idea.

Spray gel will probably work…

I can’t stop laughing and itching…

“thinking about spiders makes me itch”

run him over with the car