attn. GIRLS

i got something for you…

:scared: Letting that thing chill on your hand NO THANKS - -

at least it’s not one of those furry motherfucks


:madfawk: DUDE…YIKES



:scared: That would send chills through my whole body having that thing on me!

may i have the quarter?

who ya gonna call?

that sent chills through my whole body just looking at it :eek4dance :puke:

He was calling me to tell me I can stay at his house because my mean ass husband is keeping pet spiders in the house.

That mother flocker better be dead when I get home… and I want to see the carcass… :bash:

Yeah and I have to go home to that…

Maybe I just won’t come home…

I saw one in the bathroom sink this morning, and I just finished putting on deodorant and ran away… I didn’t even stop to kill it.

Mike, there’s a pet for you somewhere in the bathroom. :slight_smile:

looks like it will make a nice pet

Eric, Mike told me the other day he was going to ask you to bring him home a camel spider… :scared:

i brought a few spiders home…there in plexiglass dead ones…i can hook mike up

plus i got some shot glasses for him

Your weed needs watered…


