check this bad boy out

he’s about 3" across from tip to tip of his legs.

i would probably have shat myself!

fuck that, i hate him.

i think it’s actually a she, i looked up to see what it was and the males are a lot smaller than what this thing is.

mmmmmm lunch

I’d capture it and see if my piranhas would play with it.

Can spiders live underwater?

it’s too cool for that, right otuside my door. These things i like, they just sit in a web and mind their own business, those damn wolf spiders and black jumping spiders i have all over the place piss me off because they make the floor move at night.

I’d hope that it didn’t live long under water in this case. But I don’t think they can live under water.

that’s great. I have a bunch of spiders in the bed of my truck. I catch moth’s and other little insects and feed them to the spiders. A living moth stuck in a spiderweb and being chewed on by a spider is a great time. It’s like the UFC, insect style. :slight_smile:

ooo that looks like a pretty nasty one.

I saw it out on the deck the other night…huge

that things crazy looking… i only like them if they stay in there area of there web and not near me!!!

that is a neat looking spider
good find

what kind is it?

banded garden spider

Its hot, I hear you tongue goes numb for a minute if you lick its back :naughty:

that thing is cool lookin, ive seen a few decent spiders on jobs this year, i dont think any were 3" from tip to tip though

do you feed it?
