Neither the Brown Recluse nor the Hobo Spider live in the area. And they’re the scary spiders that have a similar appearance to what you’ve got. Put a glass over it, slide some thick paper or cardboard underneath, and let the bugger go a good distance from your house. Spiders are good, they eat the nasty flying biting insects. Don’t kill them. I dunno what everyone’s problem with spiders is. I love spiders, and have several. They’re actually really cool.
calm down it’s a WOLF SPIDER.
Thats what I was told mine was too. I’ll swerve for birds in the road or let a ladybug outside, but when I see a huge spider indoors, I’m not leaving until it’s DEAD. I got used to the small ones working in at a nursery for 4 years, but big ones scare the shit out of me.
its the small ones you gotta worry about
Yep, looking at pictures of wolf spiders the abdomen is a match. Thanks for the help.
And that right there is the reason I clank my shoes together upside down before putting them on. I know they don’t live around here, but still…
My dads neighbor was bit by a brown recluse, now my dad is nuts about spiders and after looking at those pics I can see why. :eek:
From what I read last night there have been brown recluse bites in NY. It’s not their home range, but they do exist here.
i still scream like a little bitch and run. I fucking hate spiders
AHHHH i hate spiders…
a brown recluse got me in georgia @ ft benning, on my wrist under my watch strap.
within a few hours i had these crazy trackmark/rash-looking lines running from the bite all the way to my arm pit. they itched insanely. then the bite started looking like a water blister that continued to grow and grow…
5 hours later i was finally able to convince the drill sgts that it WASN’T poison ivy, and i should go get it checked out. :picard:
A huge shot of something in my ass cheek and a bunch of antibiotics soon followed…
anyway, i hope you gave that spider the people’s elbow.
Thats funny me and my buddy from work were just talking about the spiders we hate. He was telling me how he got bit by a brown recluse on his elbow but he caught it within four hours so he didn’t get it bad. Also was telling me about the camel spiders over in iraq. God i hate spiders.
lol same here
same boat here
Once i killed a pretty big black bastard of a spider in my basement. I came upstairs and an even bigger one came out of the top of my stove and jumped at me. I think he was bad that i killed his friend.
Ack. I hate spiders. Although I have held a tarantula. But that’s more of an 8 legged rodent than a spider.
I’ve got a bunch of these bastards around my house.
Common house spider.
God damn I hate this thread. I fucking hate spiders. They’re probably one of my biggest fears. Those spiders are ALL OVER where I work. In the morning they’re always crawling on the news papers and shit before we open. UGH. I almost passed out the last time one was in the store.
my buddy had some crazy ass spiders in the house he just bought… we bug bombed the shit out of that place. havent seen one since!
fry, that is NOT a common house spider.
FYI that wasn’t a BR that bit you. When they bite it will attack you the bite spot in a circular motion. The poison goes down to the center point of where the bite happened and will expand outwards.
I was gonna say the exact same thing. They are easy to tell…they are the largest form of spider around here. Their bites itch like a mofo though.