What kind of spider is this?

Fuck spiders, I’d rather deal with Mosquitoes then a huge ass spider lurking around my bed at night. Don’t wake up with dry mouth!


Wolf spiders. Eck!

And Fry, I agree with Zong… Hire someone.

I lived in North Carolina for awhile and yeah black widows and brown recluses are nothing to take lightly

so many spiders in my house (especially my basement) i just try to ignore them. Really isn’t anyway to get rid of them all in this old farm house.

Biggest one we had so far was the size of a mouse, I kid you not.

Goliath spiders are crazy they eat birds


i would shoot that with so many bullets.

Gross little bastard

eww thats an angry looking little fucker.


You guys are all pussies.

Everyone realizes they swallow a handful of spiders a year in their sleep right?

If you wake up before consumption, they will bite the inside of your throat and top of your mouth… it’s happened to a family member before. They had to go to the emergency room before their throat swelled up so much they couldn’t breath.

After it happened we read that this same occurance happens to thousands of people a year… fortunately you’ll wake up from the bite and the swelling takes a long time. Now if you are hammered…?

Also, global warming has increased the habitat in which brown recluses can live, so it’s not surprising if there were some in Buffalo… or even more than before…

see the pm i just sent to you on msn adam…

Yeah man, serious. If I were you I’d sleep with my mouth shut from now on…



so was that thing a brown recluse or what

:bsflag: The brown recluse has been in this area for a long ass time, its just very rare that people have encounters with them. It Has nothing to do with some made up problem like global warming. Also, if a spider bites your throat it will not cause it to swell up unless it is a poisonous spider. I landscaped for 10 years…I can’t tell you how many thousands of spider bites ive had. None of them swelled. They just leave a red mark and itch like a mother fucker.

No it was a common wolf spider. The brown recluse is a very small spider…its venom however is meant to cause severe pain and disalve flesh so that the spider can drink the insides of its prey. This is why it causes the flesh to rot from the inside out when a human gets bitten. A friend of the family had been bitten by a brown recluse when he was in florida. it looks like someone took an icecream scoop and dug a chunk out of his calf.



Thats not true, if you are allergic to them it will swell

Listen man you have questionable experience on your side…


Your throat will swell, it’s not the same thing as your SKIN.