What kind of spider is this?

I got bit by one of those in Italy…

My hand puffed up to the size of a boxing glove. It was great :expressionless:


pwned. :ham:

Still does not look common to me… Thankfully.

ppfff i r smrtr then wkpdia

fuck that, and i am one of the biggest animal lovers you will ever meet. I even like reptiles alot…but i will always kill spiders as soon as i see them, fuck them


That is a terribly frightening spider.^^

When I was like 10, I was sent to sleep away camp. One night our counselors decided we were going to sleep outside, with no tents, just a tarp over us. I woke up with a fucking huge daddy longlegs in my mouth/on my chin. Holy fuck. I never screamed so fucking loud in my life.

After that, spiders make me nearly hyperventilate.

My mom had the pleasure of spending some childhood years living in Love Canal area (before they knew what they know now obviously). They had spiders like that first one pictured in the corners of their rooms regularly. Mutant spiders.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Spiders?

Biggest spider in the world. It eats birds. True story.

Didn’t he say it sheds that hair shit thats irritable to skin and he goes and plays with it like a fucking kitten.

At the big petstore up in lockport, I remember seeing a bird-eating tarantula in one of the cages chowing down on a mouse. Pretty cool.

I would cry if I came across one of those.


:bigclap: FAIL

thanks, i guess i’ll go to sleep now that i’ve read this thread

EDIT2: you fucks


I’ll find it.

Fixing the fail…


Is that the little geico dude?

Ummmmm, are there any spiders around here that have flesh eating venom?

I got bit Saturday and I have this strange sore on my ankle that looks like deteriorating flesh and it hasn’t gotten any better in 3 days.

I need NYSPEED medical advice!:biglaugh:

The irony is that I now live in the woods/forest and have hundreds - no thousands of spiders in my garage/driveway and have never been bitten.
I go to a friends house and get bit on his patio!

IIRC it’s not impossible to find a brown recluse in this area. If you really do have a rotting flesh sort of gig then it might be fairly serious medically. You might want to start a new thread.

